How to Clean Pads?

I bought a demo unit and the pads are nasty! Any good suggestions on how to safely clean them?

I use baby wipes for most of my gear.

If it’s good enough for a baby’s bum…

If the knobs come off easy maybe you could just remove the faceplate and pads internally and wash them with soap and water.

But do be careful as Elektron knobs damage way too easily and really suck when they get all wobbly… God I hope they make them more rock solid in the future.

I broke a Jupiter 8 panel board once trying to pull a knob off to clean it… It was to good to be true when I found the same board on ebay and repaired it instantly ; )

I also use that iKlear spray stuff on most of my gear with a microfiber cloth, but I use water when it gets too smeary.


peanut butter and a cat ? .p

Will pulling the faceplate off void the warranty?

baby wipes worked great!

You sure baby wipes don’t have anything that could remove paint? I think I used some wipes on my Nord Lead years ago (when I still had it) and the wipes turned red from the paint coming off…For gear, I use a soft wet/warm cloth.

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I used to use nail polish remover for my UC33-e :slight_smile:
but will never use this for my analog gear

baby wipes are great

I smear mine with salmon paste & hold the cat within sniffing distance! Wait till she’s really salivating & her paws are going 10 to the dozen then let her fly!
That little abrasive tongue works wonders & best of all you can sample the ensuing squeals of delight straight into the OT to mangle later :slight_smile:
Ahh life’s good!!!