Hydrasynth from ASM - Tips and Tricks

has anyone figured out how switch banks on the hydrasynth with an octatrack? i sequence everything from the octa track and for some reason the hydrasyth doesnt recognize the bank changes only pattern changes

This is a problem with the Octatrack.

Like many synths, the Hydrasynth uses the second part only of the MIDI Bank Select message. Unfortunately, the OT’s Bank setting sends only the first part of the Bank Select message.

To change bank on the Hydrasynth from the OT, you need to send MIDI CC message 32 (with a value in the range from 0 to 4) immediately before sending the Program Change message.


cool thanks… it works!


From the youtube message:

This is another surprising result using feedback. Two panned sawtooth oscillators are going through sync operations, with the depth being swept from maximum to minimum by clocked LFOs. It turns out that at the bottom of the sweep you get very different sounds when the sync feedback is all the way up.There’s also a clocked envelope making sure the emphasis is on the oddball tones, and some oscillator 3 and ring mod. One note is held, there’s no pitch shifting.

In theory both oscillators should be making the same noises, but I guess there’s enough chaos going on in the Hydrasynth to get differing results. No analog feel, no random phase.

Interesting trick, I was able to duplicate this more or less, in about 5 minutes – though it doesn’t sound quite as nice. I will keep experimenting.

Not sure of the cause either, perhaps it is from a chaotic instability as the creator Michael Rohaly suggests or some other unpredictable factor. The idea of a chaos generator on a “deterministic” digital synth appeals to me. The HS always seems to have that sort of a analog randomness to it, which often comes when i am least expecting it.

Oscillator Sync is a Mutant operation of course.


Well you are in luck !!!

Set Safe Edit (System Setup, Page 2, #5) to ON. If you then try to change patches with the BIG KNOB the HS will prompt you with the message “Discard Change ? – Yes – No” You then select with the two buttons directly below the screen, which light up brightly.

External program change is not affected. If the only change is the Macro that won’t prompt on program change either, for obvious reasons.

Good that’s your only complaint. Now you’ve got a synth which you consider perfect. Good deal !!!


Haha, that’s awesome!! Guess I need to rtfm again! Yes, it is pretty much perfect :slight_smile:

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So as i posted earlier, Loopop showed how play a Novation Peak bi-timbrally, and i suggested the same could be done with the Hydrasynth.

Here’s a video with someone demonstrating that same technique on the Hydrasynth.

The detail of exactly how you implement this is pretty much up to you, keytrack can be applied to other things, and the exact value of the parameters involved can be varied too.

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finally saved up enough and ordered my HSD today from Perfect Circuit! so stoked for this machine. can’t wait to review this thread and all it’s knowledge with the Hydra at my fingertips…


hmmm… could i use the Chord function on the MicroFreak to trigger the HSD? Maybe getting a similar effect… I’ll find out when mine arrives… I think the FedEx driver is making some patches on it so it’s taking all day… LOL

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I don’t have a MicroFreak (my loss) to test this on but if it sends MIDI Notes On and Notes Off absolutely it should work. You can even improve on things – since both Hydrasynths in the Voice controls lets you set a Key and Scale – that will map the chords you input to be harmonically in tune.

Let us know how it all works when you get things. You can make patches on the HS pretty quickly so i wouldn’t expect the FedEx drivers to be diverted for too long.

LOL! Thanks. I’m sure it will take me a few days to get acquainted with it and if I figure out the answer to that question, I will report back.

Recently bought the desktop Hydrasynth and absolutely loving it!

One thing I was wondering though, does anyone know if you can send key and scale changes to the pads via midi?

My tracks change key quite a lot so would be really great if it was possible to have a loop set up in Ableton with a midi track which makes the pads change from say: A Dorian to C Mixolydian. That way I could play the pads and stay in key even over the modulations.

Anyone know if this is possible??

I’ve not used it, but i’ve observed the NRPN code that gets sent when you change key or scale. So since it’s sent, my understanding is it is the same that it receives too.

It’s a little complicated how it’s organized, and it is not documented in the HS MIDI NRPN Guide. I’ve worked out the formula in general, but since i never implemented it, it’s still a little sketchy to me.

It consists of 13 NRPN messages, the first one a reset/clear, and the next twelve instructions to map each of the twelve keys consecutively. The code 00 represents a no-map in the destination, so the destinations are off by one. The nice thing about this is it is completely flexible, it maps anything including the custom scales.

Something to remember: Scale and key only affect what is voiced, from the keys or pads, or from external MIDI — it does not change the MIDI note that gets sent out.

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Thanks for the response!

Awesome, i’m gonna see if I can figure it out now!

I’d be happy to help as I can. As you perhaps know NRPN is just 4 MIDI CC messages hooked together as an aggregate.

At the very least you could capture the whole 156 byte MIDI sequence for each specific key and scale you are interested in, and use them as needed. It doesn’t matter which parameter gets changed (key or scale) the HS will send out the whole sequence each time. I just go to a value one away from the one I want to examine, and switch whichever one of the two parameters is one away.

As you no doubt know, you need to turn ON NRPN send and receive (System Setup, page 6, #1 & #2).

I’d give you the two NRPN code detail but it’s probably better if you just work it out for yourself.

If you do this i will have at least one question to ask you.


Not gonna lie… I’m pretty out of my depth with NRPN stuff.
I downloaded NRPN gen2, the Max For Live device that can write NRPN automation, and i’ve seen values on the device change as I scroll through the different keys/ scales on the Hydrasynth, but it always then locks back to the same value when I stop scrolling. Haven’t been able to figure out how to get the Max device to tell the synth to change key/ scale!

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Sure. I have found myself turning that option on quite often…

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Hello friends, great tips so far.

Which cable do you use to record audio from the HSD connected to your Audio Interface? Do I simply use one 1/4’ TS cable? The Manual says unbalanced outputs and the website FAQ says Balanced out.

My levels are so low in my DAW. With a 1/4” TRS cable it gives +5dB more than a standard TS. Keyboard main output is at 100%, the AMP for the patch is at 128. I look in my DAW on the track and it peaks at -18dB average +/-3.

I like headroom, but I would rather have less and dial it down than have to use the pre-amp or a physical mixer before my Audio Interface to boost that level. What’s your “normal” baseline signal level scenario for this instrument? My Motu M4 does not have any -10/+4 gain option. Not having this work out is dragging me down creatively. Thanks!

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Having a weird issue with my HS and digitone keys, where when I set the midi channels exactly I lose pitchbend and aftertouch, but when I set the HS to omni I get the pitchbend and aftertouch back, but then it just triggers all over the rest of the gear I’m trying to sequence separately, video here can probably explain better than I can https://photos.app.goo.gl/7GjcDyhVnEym4tx18

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I just hit an issue which is an absolute show stopper. I might have to return the Hydrasynth desktop, very disappointed.

It doesn’t seem to be possible to sequence the Hydrasynth desktop from an external sequencer “properly”. The Hydrasynth completely ignores the amp envelope release stage settings and cuts the envelope immediately at the note off MIDI message. No release at all! Unbelievable. Triggering a note through the desktop pads sounds completely different as the release stage is followed through properly. My guess is the Hydrasynth MIDI implementation interprets the note off release value, if it is set to 0: no release.

The funky thing is that when I enable MPE in the system settings, the setting of the release stage of the envelope is followed through when triggering a note by MIDI. But now of course the Hydrasynth responds to all MIDI channels at once.

This is the first synth I have come across that behaves like this, a real pity. I will have to sleep over this one before I sell it. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. After all the Hydrasynth is a wonderful instrument.