discovered a nice STUTTTTTTERRR ERRE EERR workaround today! I am super proud of it!

first: you have to set pattern direct jump. then whatever pattern you play, say A05 you copy to a new slot say A10.

then you make pattern A10 only 4 steps long. i

f you are playing live you just hit A10 x 4 times and immediately go back to A05 and vio a la (french that was) you got yourself a nifty little stutter effect …if you practice that a bit you will end up in sync again.

I keep my AR running with the normal beat, and have some melody on the A4 … before AR finishes off and I want some DATALINE retrig OT madness I do the above mentioned technique.

takes a bit of practice but I keep ending up in sync real often!

you heard it here first!


so, if you make the second pattern also just 1 step long with global length. … (just saying)