Hello! I’ve been posting my music on r/synthesizers since February, and that subreddit and this forum have been nothing but supportive. I’ve been motivated to keep posting my tracks as soon as I finish making them. Thanks for checking out my stuff, everyone
I put together all the tracks I made since June, and it came to a total of 38 minutes, and it’s up now on Bandcamp: https://ivartryti.bandcamp.com/album/the-leisureliest-stroll-ever
I’ve also gotten a few requests to upload my stuff to spotify, so I looked into it earlier this week. It’ll take around a week from I upload until it’s publicly available, but I have these nifty links that I’m not exactly sure how they work:
From here on, I’ll spend more effort into uploading my tracks not just on youtube, but also to Bandcamp and Spotify. Thank you so much for the support and for the motivation!