In this video I take you with me to the forest to record audio of me hitting dead trees and kick leaves and stuff. I then mangle these samples into an entire track.
I tried to throw in some trick explanations here and there. if you have any questions on how I did certain things, don’t hesitate to ask. I have a lot more ideas like this so expect more video’s with sampling and track creation.
Do you have a suggestion of a location or a certain object that I should sample and create an entire track with? Let me know in the comments
The organ ish main lead synth I created by searching for recorded samples that have pitch in them. The flexible dead tree, from which I created the kick as well, was very vibrant and hitting it at certain spots created a thud with pitch.
I then set the sample to loop and shorten the start and length until there’s no obvious click. You can make the start/length of any sample so short that it will become a tone, but I always try my best to preserve much of the original sound if possible. Next I added a huge reverb and used the reverb hp/lp to emphasize the tone. For the organ like sound I think I also added an lfo at a very quick rate (1k+) on amp level to create an extra partial (overtone/harmonic), but keeping the fundamental tone the most present by not setting the lfo depth too high.
After that I resampled it, then looped part of it again and used the filter (lp) and amp envelope to create the timbre. Lfo at pan, some delay, reverb, some bit reduction and overdrive as well.
As you can see I’ll mangle samples until they become something completely different. Even with the somewhat limited feature set of the DT you can go far
For this recording I didn’t use overbridge yet. Also time related. Have a gig on Saturday so didn’t have the time to go mental on the audio production phase. Having said that, I’m not sure I’ll ever use OB for these kinds of videos. I really want to produce everything within the DT. In future sampling videos you’ll see why
Correct! It’s a dr-05. Not the most advanced but it does the job and isn’t expensive.
It’s digitakt only I completely mixed and “mastered” within digitakt. The only post processing I did was using a limiter set to about a max -3db peak reduction.
Thanks for the kind words everyone!
If anyone has any more questions let me know. Happy to answer them.
Wow really inspiring and creative! This sounds so lush…love your wooden Drum Samples. Great!
This RK-002 is a very interesting tool dont understand how it works…is this only a speacial cable that turns the digitakt into a synth via midi?
It interprets and modifies midi messages in flight. It’s cool!! There’re a couple of videos about it by @DaveMech (which caused me to buy one works as advertised!)