I want to change my MD. Good idea?

Selling a Machinedrum is never a good idea! Just use some pedals or AH and you’ll be fine!

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You should keep it and use it for the occasions when you need it´s unique sound. Besides thjat, get a Rytm instead for the other drums; it´s incredibly flexible.
Or perhaps a Tempest. It´s got the best pads of them all and a special sound, it´s more “smooth” than rytm and while it doesn´t sound 909 out of the box it has it´s own very warm and smooth sound. It more detroit than berlin imo, sound wise. But it does indeed sound analog and warm. I loved mine but it didnt fit my mysic style so good unfortunately, at leasat not then.

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Indeed, I feel it is a bad idea. And I have a feeling of unfinished…
I still have to learn to better destroy it.

I noticed in your original post that you have a Digitone too. Have you tried to sequence some of the tracks on the MD with the midi tracks on the DN ?

I tried this using my Digitakt to sequence my Monomachine and it opened up all sorts of new possibilities.

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No ! But it’s a good idea… with some mudulation etc !

Yeah I found things like the probability and trig conditions gave something new to explore.


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It‘s a bad idea. Can I borrow it?


If you want to see MD from a slightly different point of view, check out this thread by @caramellokoala where MD is played as a poly synth. Definitely some dark, nasty stuff can be teased out of the MD this way.

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Thanks !

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@Rea_001 have you tried to send some MD outputs through A4 ?
While not as diverse as the Heat, A4 gives a good analog flavor with its filters and overdrive, not to talk avbout FX (Chorus with high feedback to get some comb filtering is much fun)…
And DN has similar FX to taint other outputs.

I personally use a Deco on the MD, sometimes the Heat, and it’s true that it gives it a more “alive” sound, IMO.

Another interesting drum machine is the Model:Cycles, it distorts easily but if you’re ok with this, you get an easy FM drum machine for cheap !

Pulsar-23 is fun but a bit expensive and you can’t recall patches easily, same as a modular system: not sure it’s really appropriated in live PA. Not without a lot of practicing, at least. and the sound is not that impressive IMO. Takes time to reach good ones (but I am still discovering the beast, have to say).

Rytm is really good, especially if you mix samples and synthesis. Feed it with DN tones and it should quickly become your thing ^^
And don’t be afraid of samples: you can make yours, and if you add synthesis + filters + distorsion and other FX you still have plenty of parameters to play with. Plus you can still use sample chains (up to 120 samples!) to offer more variety.

Not yet ! I will ! But i use separate outs from MD and all plug to Model24 mixer + A4, DN, outs + send FX (quadraverb and El Capistan) so i loose this… but i will try. About the M:C is does so less than MD, so… break my heart to trade a MD for M:C ! And yes all others propositions are good :slight_smile:

About the deco, how do you use it ? is mono right ? send/aux maybe ?

I route my MD through my Diginote, because the effects are nice and easy to set up.

Using the Diginote for tempo, it’s also easy to tempo-sync the delay.

Finally I run the output from the Diginote through a Strymon Deco. The deco is mono by default, but you can flip an internal dip-switch, and use a stereo-input jack.

Only reason to ever sell a Machinedrum, is to upgrade to a better model :slight_smile:

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I’ve had the MD, MM, and OT. I sold everything but the MD. It is just too powerful to even think about letting go of.

More powerful than MnM?

I understand the glorified status of MD, but I sold it and I don’t miss it, I’m very used to the actual elektron sequencer, and I didn’t really feel the MD sound. I prefer to make drums on DN, and sample it. Probably my next purchase will be the analog rytm mk2.

I sold it too since i created this tread. I dont regret. Its one of the most powerfull elektron for me… but i leave elektron due to menu dying. Im on modular now with one knob = one function setup. No menu or page… and its pure fun.
I will sold my Digitone soon.

The feature set is wider if you look at number of tracks, number of machines, sampling, input machines, ability for any of the 16 LFO’s to affect any of the 16 tracks…