IDM / Ambient Techno made on your Elektron gear

Lots of great stuff here, super intricate but grooves nicely. And Cloud Waves is gorgeous.


Nice. Do you use Kyma? Many of the sounds have that warped elastic quality.

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Thank you :slight_smile:

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It needs a bass

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@MichaalHell Thanks! There’s lots more going on than just those 2 though they both played an important part.

@nilsec Not sure which sounds you mean or if they came from the RYTM but I’m a big fan of automating the heck out of the FM machines.

@DonovanDwyer Thanks. God I wish I had Kyma, would especially love to try those morphs. The bits you’re referring to are done in Csound.

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I totally agree. There is something missing in the low mids. I tried but I had a difficult time getting anything low or low mids to fit with the kick drum melody. I also tried to come up with more melody variation on the pad, but I felt like everything I tried killed the cohesiveness.

Thanks for the listen!

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It almost feels like a sub oscillator under the pads would’ve helped round it out. Or just a nice bass line that ran in line with the pad. I do enjoy the glitchy drums though, good work

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Haha! I tried that too but it would conflict with the kick melody sometimes and then when I tried to change the pad to match the kick melody the track lost is cohesiveness. That painfully repetitive pad is holding it all together. I couldn’t keep the kick melody the same through the track because then the drums would get boring. It was a mess! I think the sub under the pad would’ve worked if I used a little studio magic to duck/sidechain the pad sub when the kick hits, but I was going for the live vibe. When I get back to my “studio” I might give the sub under the pad w some sidechain another shot.

Great idea/solid advice and thanks for listening.

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Sometimes you just can’t force things, no matter how hard you try. You might end up trying to shoehorn in a bassline and the track could fall apart. Low end is always a struggle for me. The joys of the creative process!

Tell me about. I’m always adjusting my snare levels too. Too loud! Not loud enough! Thank the drum machine gods for p-locks.

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Yes, liking this A LOT

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On the extreme side of IDM this track from my last album was rellying a lot on my Analog Four Mk2, most of the synth are made with it or sequenced by it (eurorack and Serge stuff).


Ah thanks so much! I get to work on another one today too. Excited :laughing:


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Squarepusher vibez. What did you do for drums?

Thanks :wink:
Various bits of drums are made from scratch with my modulars (kick / snare / video game like sounds), hours of cutting / pasting little bits of breakbeats in Liven and there is also a small touch of jazz cymbals from Addictive Drums here and there.

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Bass is by the prophet 6
BoC lead by the Deepmind 12d
everything else is the Digitione (melody, counter melody, arps, chords, stabs, etc)
Drums by the RYTM Mk2
Reverb is the EHX cathedral
SSL mixer


I was going for a dreamy - melancholic feel.


Digitakt and Digitone doing heavy lifting on this one:

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My favourite is “Government Lethal Chamber of Washington Sq.”

What did you use?

It’s the one that sound better of them all.

Listened on a pair of genelec 1030 and Neumann kh120

Ms20, tb03, tr08, jp08 chopped up in Ableton. It’s the oldest of the bunch.