IDM / Ambient Techno made on your Elektron gear

one of my first DN tracks! gunna hype it for a bit on SC an then spice it up with some rytm drums and OT breaks and more synth patterns in the DN. :alien:


Not sure if this counts as IDM:

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Hi everyone! Thought I’d share this pretty twisted IDM-ish jam - euro, DFAM and A4 :metal:.


Thx for ColorSquad records & Friends discord adress. I have a new bunch of record to discover :nerd_face:
That’s my favorite music style since 2000’s

join us! :slight_smile:

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I follow since today on Bancamp !
Hope that will obliged me to finish songs and bring them in this community. I’m a beginer of sound rarely a finisher :frowning_face:

Tried to get some acid lines down on both A4 and DN.
The main pad is from the A4. As-1 only for percussion, OT does 808 drums.


I have a track on this summer Solstice IDM comp. lots of the artist there are huge fans of Elektron devices. Digitone and analog rytm used on a bunch of tracks. Same of the Octatrack.


Now THERES some IDM :+1:t6: :+1:t6: :+1:t6:

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Gear used in this track: OT, A4, Dt, and Blofeld.
Gear on the other tracks are variations of the above setup, DT/DN, and x0xb0x

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Maybe IDM? Jammed out on the newly acquired Subharmonicon with AR/Trigger riot on drums, Sub37 on bass and some other stuff


I thought maybe this one might have it’s place here?

More stuff at

Thanks, dude :slight_smile:

Hey friends! Different day, different angle :metal:.

Yet another patch with the A4, Euro and DFAM. Thanks for listening!

@Unifono Nice jam up there, I dig the Morphology vibes :).


Thanks! Have to google Morphology :slight_smile:
Great Jam as well!


They’re a Finnish duo, their stuff is pretty good. Sounds like you could dig it :).

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nice, will check them

Digitone + fx - IDM-esque :grinning:


own it! it is or it isn’t :stuck_out_tongue:

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IDM adjacent? Brain-dancy? :grinning:
I guess you’re right, but it’s something about the intelligent part of the name just makes me a bit uneasy, cuz I’m not that smart, haha.

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