IDM / Ambient Techno made on your Elektron gear

Oh, man, am I jealous. Isn’t that sound board recording ridiculously good? That first track, which lasts about 13 minutes, is really inspiring.

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Yes brilliant recording.there are loads of oscillate soundboards on there SoundCloud page of different artists that played there in the 90s. Was always my fav night. Was an amazing atmosphere there and the que club was a brilliant venue

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@dobpoq Yea, thanks for the mentioning. Actually the following one is made with Blofeld and A4.


Finally got around to recording a full version of “Taste the Color,” mostly because some radio program in Scotland came across the song on Instagram and wanted to to play it. Which is pretty cool, I guess.


Here’s my creation:


A little more on the techno-ish side of things (kindof?), this track is basically in two halves meant to work together, almost right in half:

  1. Machinedrum and OP-1, with the OP-1 basically using a lot of little tiny loops on the tape with me jumping quickly to different loops. The OP-1’s tape system nicely keeping them in sync with the MD’s tempo.
  2. (transitions in around 4:30) Monomachine through Octatrack. Octatrack has no samples or sequencing but is just purely running as a live-effects box on a pair of Monomachine outputs (the bbox drums being split out to OT inputs 3 and 4). Monomachine is in song mode here so I could just focus on using scenes, the crossfader, and the freeze-delay controls on the Octatrack.


I wrote this track on my Digitakt, Virus TI, and modular synth. It was part of a series of live performances.


Can’t listen to it right now, but the video still looks freaking amazing promising. Looking forward to my next free 10 minutes

Haha. Thanks. It’s the first thing I’ve ever actually recorded so don’t get your hopes up too much :slight_smile:

‘Liht’ sounds awesome. well done!

Though I’m currently working through the OT learning curve, I’ve done quite a few bits with my Digitakt…most of my stuff is solo bass guitar, sampled, chopped and mangled. This is one of those solo things

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Just listened to you track, pretty nice flow.

I just wonder what part the modular does play in that setup - could you explain in depth what you used the single instruments for? I would be really interested in that.

Hi, thanks. The modular takes over the melodic parts at the last ‘drop’.

Make noise DPO does the more aggressive bass sound, which is going through an Intellijel Korgasmatron, both are being modulated by Batumi and maths. The higher pitched part is Mutable Instruments Plaits, which is being modulated by Batumi.

Plaits goes through Clouds for reverb / delay, and DPO goes through Erica Synths Black Hole for reverb. It’s a pretty simple track / setup, I plan on more elaborate stuff in future when I’ve built up the skills.

Hope this helps.

EDIT: Oh and I added the WMD Chimera in the last verse to the snare drum which gives the sound of a sort of lofi shaker / crackle.

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made some IDM inspired stuff a few months ago… a couple tracks turned out really good, others are ok-ish


Wow, pretty impressing. Looking forward to whatever happens when you’ve “built up the skills”

Didn’t think of you as a modular beginner, looking at the rack you already own. You are going to have loads of fun! (I could easily get jealous, but i know about the trouble and frustration you will have to handle along the way - just keep stuck to it until you get to the rewarding part)


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Whetstonewall! Whetstonewall! Whetstonewall!


Loving this thread! Here’s a little tune I did ages ago on the A4 and recently decided to give it a facelift with Digitakt and finally record :slight_smile:


Just uploaded all the track resulting from our September session:

Hope you enjoy them.

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I know, as the person who started this thread, that this is about ambient techno made on Elektron gear. But I got an OP-Z review unit, and have been making some interesting tunes with it. But! I’m probably going to end up adding some percussive elements to this track using the Digitakt, as well as some vocal and found sound samples.

By the way, no external effects on this recording. Just some EQ in Ableton. Just a lot of filtering (individual and master tracks), reverse on at least two of the synths, master chorus, LFO on the synths. No reverb on the OP-Z—just delay and long sustain and release. And some bitcrush here and there.

At about 5:06 it sounds as if it’s about to end, but it’s just fading out. I dropped the filter far too low, so if you’re listening on a phone, you aren’t going to hear the bass notes before it fades back in. But if you’re listening on decent speakers or headphones, you’ll hear it.


What did you use on this live jam?