IDM / Ambient Techno made on your Elektron gear

I agree. I have a Quadraverb and love it. I need to get the EPROM chip to upgrade it to Quadraverb+, though. Have you done that?

That was really fantastic. :smiley: One question, though: if the Cirklon is sequencing everything, why did you run the SH01a acid bassline back into the Rytm—for effects and so forth?

NYC parallel compression.

I have not. I don’t even know what that is! (What are the differences?)

Here is something I did way back in March. Found it buried in music files that I’d almost forgotten. Everything here is done on the Digitakt, apart from some reverb in Ableton Live. It’s really fast ambient techno, almost drum n’ bass, mixed with shoegaze, which is one of my bread and butter approaches. Now that I think of it, I may have been subconsciously inspired by this song called “Wonder 2”, the last track off of My Bloody Valentine’s 2013 album, mbv, which is one of those mythical jungle-meets-shoegaze tracks Kevin Shields talked a lot about in the 1990s when asked about the follow-up to Loveless.

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From the user manual:

New features available on the QuadraVerb Plus include Sampling, Ring
Modulator, and Resonator configurations, plus the addition of Multi Tap Delay,
Auto Panning, and Tremolo Modulation on original configurations where these
features are applicable.

In addition, the Quadraverb’s extensive MIDI implementation has been greatly
enhanced to include real-time parameter control of parameters such as the
Delay, Volume, and Feedback for each of the 8 individual taps in the Multi Tap
Delay configuration, as well as the Auto Panning and Tremolo’s Modulation
Speed and Depth. Also, the Quadraverb Plus lets the user adjust parameters
such as the Ring Modulator’s Spectrum Shift, Output Up/Down Mix, and
Delay/Reverb Up/Down Mix as well as the Pitch and Decay of the Resonator.
This allows the user to achieve a greater level of creative control than ever

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New IDM compilation out from ColorSquad Records. (I’m on it, I use the Octatrack to Sequence and mangle four Roland boutiques)


Oldie but a goodie


cirklon rytm goodness :slight_smile:

2011 on the back then trinity


Hi guys I have made an ambient mixtape, that is, a shorter mix of eight ambient tracks.
There are some BOC style pieces in it too. Please check it out.


Hey all, just got myself a digitone and I’m having lots of fun with it. Hearing some of the shit y’all are making on your elek gear is tight as hell. Hopefully I’ll be right there with y’all soon


Ambient vibes. Korg Monologue played by hand, no sequencing. Analog Four reverb as far as I remember. Seagulls recorded on a zoom handheld.


Hey friends! Reviving this thread with some Octa+DFAM+A4+Euro shenanigans!

The Octa is such a fantastic tool for chopping up guitar stuff. Anyone here using it that way too?


This is fantastic. what gear did you use?

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Thanks Donovan! I used mainly Digitone through Octatrack. The factory and water sounds are some samples I once made in Twisted Tools S-Layer. The vocals are run through a vocal effects processor into OT.

This was done 95% with the Digitone and the Analog rytm mk2. further details on the song details on sound cloud.


Listening to a lot of your stuff and I gotta say it’s great! Really liking the glitchy drum beats on a lot of it. Also thinking I should re reoute my Digitone back through my Quadraverb. In your opinion, what’s the best Elektron to get glitchy percussion with that you’ve used?

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@Cepheid use a Cirklon to sequence everything. But I really like the Analog Rytm/Digitone combo
I use typically 606 samples( oh, ch, bd, snare) pitched to the root of the song. I then layer them with the analog synth engine. I take my Digitone and put it through something like the Quadaverb or EHX Cathedral and reserve one or two tracks for weird percussive FM stuff, the other two tracks one for drone and one for pads. I also like to get some interesting samples in the sample slots and use a LFO to cycle trough the same slots. I make sure all those samples are also tuned to the song and i like to keep those samples pretty short.

with the CIrklon I leverage Brownian motion to get those Drukqs/Syro like drum fills.

I hope that helps.


check out the ColorSquad records & Friends discord; lots of like-minded producers there. I learned a bunch of tips and tricks just passively taking in info.

When you join the chat. Pick a solid color for your avatar. If you are ever on SoundCloud and see someone with a solid color for their avatar and they make IDM-ish music, they probably belong to ColorSquad.


One track from my last Ep – somewhere between idm, techno and ambient - probably 80% elektron gear