I'm bummed out with the A4's polyphony

Lol for real? I’m just poking fun at the Moog One somehow being a poly despite having both “Moog” and “One” in its name. Not everything is religious.

Yes. This was the trick that Elektron missed.

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“If the A4 had 6 voices, it would be an A6!”


Oh, sorry, I totally missed the point you were making!

Not sure what that means in this context, maybe I’m slow today. Not trying to turn anything into a holy war.


Not stupid? Not buying something that on paper doesn’t meet your desires is sensible.

Wishing something was radically different than it is so it fits with your desires is a bit obtuse, but I don’t think you’re guilty of that. You don’t want A4, you want A More.

I suppose you have to weigh up if the core features of the A4 are absolutely necessary to you in the form of a poly synth. Or to put it another way, what can the A4 do to a four note chord that would be all that much better done to a 6 note chord?

I get it if you just want it as a main poly that you can occasionally play like a standard keyboard.

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I used to feel that way. One day I noticed how nice to have a box that will do 4 complicated monophonic synth lines, much like my Eurorack will do, in one box. Plus, I picked up a Jupiter Xm for those times I want polyphonic chords.


Love my A4 but for massive poly chords it does not work well. That’s why I bought a Virus and Oberheim. Juno X is another good option for 2k versus 5k for the more expensive analog poly synths.


I dno IMO digital poly is pretty much fine. Diva by uhe is great.
I dont own a4 but to me it was always more of a 4 voice sound design box than a poly synth.

I’d consider minilogue more of a poly than a4 but maybe thats just me.

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My A4 is an A6 when I use the fx and cv tracks to sequence a slim phatty and modular. :wink:


The Roland SH-4d seems like a good choice for someone who wants an A4, but with more polyphony.

Since each of the A4’s voices includes two oscillators and two filters, you should be able to squeeze out a full octave if you go crazy with the plocks.

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Really really stupid, you’re an idiot, doofus etc.

lusting after something you dont want is either

A) Stupid
B) a special kind of masochism
C) a bit of both.


Good combo. Almost the same size.

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Not that it matters, but my A4 is already an A5 when I plug CV to Input 1 to generate an additional kick track. Look!

Also, Digitone is 8 voices. You’ll be able to play those "juicy chords’.

Also worth mentioning that amongst the A4’s Poly capabilities are some paraphonic options that I haven’t seen on any other synth, and are amazing IMO.

Playing 4-note chords with the A4 set to ‘Use Track Sounds’ let’s each note be a completely independent sound… factor this with the option to Rotate or Reassign the voice (round robin), and it goes deep… it’s a beast.

I feel sorry for someone looking at the A4 as a simple 4-voice poly with limitations… it’s like buying a laptop to only play Pac-Man on it.


Looks like the 3rd Wave is coming to shops soon. Think I’ll hold off for that.

4 tracks with 6-note poly each. 24 voices of 3 oscillators.

That’s more like it.


Great synth… but it costs 2.5x A4

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And is able to handle all that polyphony because it uses wavetable generators. I.e. it’s digital. Not to scoff at digital synths, I love ’em, but I don’t understand how so many people are getting confused by Elektron’s most accurate and straight forward-ly named product. It is because we’re always abbreviating it “A4”?

Look, if you want digital, you can get more for less (or, in the case of the 3rd Wave, more for more than twice as much) elsewhere. If you want five note chords, there’s nothing to see here. Move along.

But if you’re looking for analog voices, and four of them, you’re in the right place.


I think you’ll find the 3rd Wave VA is on-par or better than the pure analog here.

3rd Wave is probably better value and has Prophet 5 filters. 24 analog filters.

This music uses only three voices.