I was doing a bit of A4 RTFM and I was wondering if the A4 had a ‘receive pattern/kit’ like the MD and MnM. I found that really useful when I put together a live set on the MD and MnM, as it let me put the patterns where I wanted them, and ensure that all the kits are loaded / referenced.
“Receive Any” seems like it might work, but… I’m not sure if it will get the pattern -> kit refs right.
if you ‘Receive Any’, the original positions of both the kit and the pattern are preserved, as well as the number of kit that’s linked to th pattern.
there is no smart logic in the a4 which prevents you from accidentally overwriting existing patterns/kits in the project…
so imo, your best bet is to send the pattern to a specific slot, then send the kit to a specific slot, then get out of the sysex menu, select the pattern you just stored and load the kit you just stored
it’s the only way to make sure you don’t accidentally overwrite something.
Thanks! The answer is “no” then, so I’ll need to do things manually. Oh well.
I found that the “recieve pattern+kit” with a destination slot to be really useful with the MD and the MnM when preparing for my live set. I found that it would even rename the kits uniquely. I guess it’s more complicated for the A4 because of the sound pool and the sound locks.