In depth user power tutorial

The Pads are indeed stiff but I found a cool trick to overcome that with using 2 fingers as a I play a pad. I find that I have better velocity control.

I have no issues with that after a little practice.


Yes the pads are stiff.

Do you people read the manuals by themselves, or do you use them as reference guides and only read them when necessary while in the studio? I do the latter, and only use the manuals as reference guides if I need to figure out something. Not quite sure how helpful it is to read the manual entirely by itself.

It depends, sometimes I’ll read the manual in its entirety (I did that for Ableton, OT, NordDrum, etc), but the AR is a lot easier to get your head wrapped around, so I read about a 1/4 of it and then just started using the PDF file and searching for terms when I was confused as I used it.