Inconsistent clicks (analog machines)

Out-with the overlapping notes issue, I’m actually bending to your way of thinking that it is untidy (aka buggy) that the amp envelope which is theoretically starting from zero is in fact ahead of the osc reset - it’s something that may be tweakable behind the scenes, who knows, i.e. the osc being reset first, then followed by the amp triggering

this, of course, may not be ideal for a number of reasons and may manifest in other quirks, but I’m sure now that you’ve raised it they will review what is happening as it’s also desirable to allow an OSC’s SYN Decay to sustain infinitely, so killing that decay to get around this isn’t always a good workaround


Avantronica, as far as i know, the correct way to implement changing the freq of a digital oscillator is to adjust the phase of the wave, not to reset the phase back to zero. For example, if you trigger a note at 440 hz, and then trigger an octave higher at 880hz, you would add double the phase difference per sample. You would not reset the oscillator to phase=0 and generate the next sample at the new higher frequency.

Yeah this totally messed with my mind on the Rytm as well.

It feels like a super common thing with long release on monophonic sounds, having notes flow into the next note, where the envelope is restarted

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Any thoughts on my comment here? Just curious f i have the correct understanding.

Having it for few days, I have to say Syntakt is wonderful sound machine, much better than I was expecting! The only thing that was bothering me was these clicks, or rather sound artifacts. I was searching for the solution and I thought I am going crazy because no matter what I did with settings it was somehow still there.
So for the record - if anyone is experiencing something like this - it may be something else than sound engine - in my case it is caused by direct USB audio (into Windows). Today I tried Overbridge for the 1st time and clicks/artifacts are gone (via same cable and usb port).