My humble little setup is situated in my living room for want of a better place to put it, and much to my spouses chagrin ( heh heh ).
I used to have my guitsr in my bedroom ( a beautiful '59 custom shop Les Paul with the most amazing 3D burst top ) and no matter what i did my eye was constantly drawn to it and it just BEGGED to be played. It just had an allure, a visual physical beauty that just wanted to make me touch it, feel it, play it. Feel the wood under my hand and the pick feel the reaistance as i dug in deep to get that barking attack.
And ive had that in the last few days in a massive way about my P6. And my Rytm.
I havent had the time for music recently bit my instruments just call to me. Beg me.
Im no player but that P6 just sings like a siren, ‘play me play me’. It looks like it needs to be played and wants to be played. I fimd it beautiful. Any instrument that can inspire me to play it just by looks alone has to be lauded. Or the devils work.
And the AR is just waiting for the sequencer to be twisted and turned and P-locked until strange leviathan beats eminate from its electronic bowels. Its like i can just IMAGINE im doing this even though im not or i cant. Heh heh. Anyone else get this??? Or am i a hopeless gear pervert???
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