I’ve been thinking about getting into Eurorack for a while, and recently came across the Intellijel Atlantis, which really seems like an excellent way to get my feet wet, and I’m thinking I may get that and a HEK (although I’m still exploring to find a 6U case), as it would give me a lot to get started with without a huge initial investment (famous last words…). The one thing I haven’t quite figured out, however, is the best way to drive it from my current rig. I’ve got the OG Trinity (MDUW, MNM, and OT), and while an A4/Keys is in the plans eventually, I’m more drawn to getting a taste of modular at the moment.
The options I’m considering until I get an A4/K are using the Machinedrum to trigger, or a Midi to CV module so I can use it with the OT. Of course, for about the same money I could get a used Microbrute, which would also allow me to control the modular and would give me another whole synth to play with. I’m still very much a noob with modular synthesis, so I’m wondering what the advantages/disadvantages to these setups would be, things I’ve overlooked, other alternatives etc.
I am a proud owner of a SH101 and already lusting for the intellijel atlantis!!! reason: size, few better fuckery options, less breakability,
con: opening the neverending modular hole … but hey, YOLO …
got the MDUW also … was trying to to sync the Sh101. no luck…
I think I was a youtube video, where a MD drives a modular… fuck I would love that!
also got the MM and would love her in the modular game as well… another thread in here was about the MM being a modular reverb effekt box with like a million lfo s and several ins and outs …
I have a multimeter, but cant figure out how to measure the voltages coming out from a GND machine or B2 …
looking forward to answers … anybody in Berlin who wants to show me their modular systems===````` ?==??? will bring coffee or orange juice
while the Atlantis is a nice synth module I never picked one up because it would just be too redundant…I have plenty of synths, I don’t really need a module that tries to be a complete synth. You might want to invest in more specific modules for integrating into your other gear instead of another synth type module.
Just a suggestion but…it is extremely difficult to just get a couple modules and not end up with a lot more heheh.
I guess it depends on what you already have at hand. The only other analog I have at the moment* is a Bass Station II and an Alpha Juno 1, so having a complete module like the Atlantis is appealing because it would give me a good foundation while I saved for more modules. I’d like to add a Maths soon after, and from there who knows, but I figure that would give me a lot to play with while I planned out what I need.
*I kind of solved my own problem, as I just decided to pick up a used Microbrute for about what a midi to CV module would cost me. So that’s another voice and midi to CV settled for the moment. Still interested in pros and cons of using the Machinedrum for control, however.
The atlantis is agreat module that can work standalone. Like a semi modular sh101.
If you want to use it by itself you can use a case 48 by Pittsburgh Modular.
Then you have only 8hp left for just a filter or peaks (great lfo, envelop functions and…808 kick and snare!).
A good intro to modular without being fully modular!
To control?
-A4 with its awesome elektron features
a cv to midi converter on the 8hp remaining if you use the cell 48.
atlantis is a great way to get started, pairs nicely with the A4.
I really like mine but would love to get something a little more varied, nice to have something that isn’t subtractive synthesis based. Don’t forget about the buchla 258 like modules (Make Noise DPO, Furthrrr Generator, Verbos Complex Osc.)
The atlantis tracks very well and the filter / vca overdrive sound fantastic, but don’t be afraid to buy some of the individual intellijel modules like dixie, uvca, uvcf etc and piece together your own voice with more flexibility.
Also with the aira system 1m coming out you will have SH-101 available via plug out with full cv control. Might be a good excuse to get something more interesting to start in euroland
The good thing about heks is you can basically build your case modularly too - im racking them in a tabletop rack (they cost peanuts). I have a cell 48 as an overflow case for when GAS outstrips common sense and I fork out on modules rather than what I need XD
If you get an A4 or AK you can not only control it with the CV but also process it (using the A4 filters, lfos, effects, envelope) by feeding the output back into the A4/AK.
So instead of spending money on a modular that duplicates what the A4/AK already has that money could be used to buy a modular unit that specializes in oscillators or waveforms not available in the A4.
Something like the upcoming Waldorf nw1 is tempting if it isn’t priced too crazy.
Total modular noob question: does this mean I can just acquire a nice OSC like Braids, Shapeshifter, NW1, a power supply and a case and send CV from the AV and audio back to the A4 I need nothing else?
I’m fighting the eurorack GAS but that unused CV track keeps me up at night.
I love my MI Streams…it’s slightly higher than $200 but close enough if the functionality is what you are looking for.
Yes a VCA does give a bit of gain, but then its a bit of a waste just using for a pre amp. I think I might go for a couple of Ladik A-510 pre’s or Pitsburgh in/out.
Yep - the entry to euro if you own an ak/a4 is prob the easiest possible way to get into it. You can start your rack for less than £200 (osc, cables and powered case) and have a fully useable and interesting voice. Was always what stopped me getting into it before I owned an ak - the initial outlay on the boring modules just to get something that makes a controllable sound! The starting point the ak gives is equivalent to a shedload of cash outlay (sequencer, envelopes and lfos - both the 2 cv out and track so includes lfo’s envelopes, filter env’s etc, thats a lot of envelopes when you think of pricing it up individually - midi to cv, delay and reverb, filters, overdrive, vcas, mixer), and even then the elektron sequencer stills shines as really very good.
I’ve been pulling together modules for a few months, putting every available penny towards it (okay okay - and some that werent available - who needs food when you have distorted spring reverb XD) and am only just starting to get near to where I could use my rack without the AK - id never have got this far without it.
@J_C_Selector try SSF PTG has nice saturation as well.
and to OP I went modular over a year ago and integrating it with Elektrons is really fun. Good thing to try is something like Yarns linked to OT via MIDI. Lots of fun sequencing and sampling at the same time. Fun integration was via Keys for me too. I would look also into something like Vermona qMI http://www.vermona.com/index.php/en_qmi.html might be more user friendly then Yarns.
As for the setup I would go for 6u if I were you. As you will find that want lots of modules. Its is supper addictive so be warned.
Atlantis might be a good start actually as mentioned before. It is a nice package. It would compliment your current setup pretty well too especially since you don’t have Key’s/A4 yet
Oh and MD works great a trigger sequencer since it has so many tracks. You can just sacrifice couple and trigger envelopes etc. Really cool. You can also trigger MD with the modular just connect trigs to Inputs. It can get really brutal this way.