Interest check Separate outs mod

Good point @LyingDalai shorting the left and right channels could damage the output - a simple 10k resistor on each tip and ring would minimise the chance of damage at the expense of some signal loss, still this is easily made up at the mixer. All this is assuming that there are no resistors or buffer on those outputs.


Hmm, looking at the pic if that 16pin IC below the pads is a quad opamp then they could well be buffered, it is worth checking that out I think.


Do we have somewhere some pictures of the guts of an Analog Keys ?
Should be interesting to see how it defers from A4 in this areaā€¦

Yes, the outputs are tapped after an opamp.


Iā€™d be a bit cautious about simply wiring the 4 pins to jack sockets (or Iā€™d have done it by now) ā€¦ even the mechanical act of inserting a jack plug, particularly if you were to assign 2 channels LR on a stereo socket, momentarily risks connections that might cause damage, and then you have the issue of whatever you are connecting to.
caveat: iā€™m an electronics ignoramus

I like that this break-out box idea means not having to lose the CV track.

my 2 centsā€¦from the pic it looks like the bottom two are connected with the ground padsā€¦that would leave us with 3 stereo plus two grounds ( if so )ā€¦ but if not, where do i get the groundconnection from when not soldering??

You could tap the ground from any of the output sockets, or from a chassis screw.


thereā€™s multiple holes marked GND on the board, IIRC also 5V or 3.3V if you need a voltage source for buffer opampsā€¦

So each of the two hole pairs are giving a L R stereo pair per track voice? Thus panned/balanced audio per A4 track is available, just no effects?

Is that equivalent to what the AK outputs through its per track sockets? For some reason I always thought it was just a mono out per trackā€¦

Itā€™s not balanced but itā€™s true itā€™s dry

yep - itā€™s been shown to be so above in the thread - and now it looks more promising that the points are already and ripe for tapping

@ all :

Surely a 9 way D-Sub port with a D-Sub breakout loom would be simple (tricky case surgery) and avoids any of this insertion anxiety which I hadnā€™t even considered as a source of issue tbh

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^ Yes that is how I would have done it.

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a la this with a much smaller 9-pin connector and unbalanced plugs/sockets

RJM Music 8-pin - 4 x 1/4" TRS

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My Qu-Pac is already salivating.

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I just want to see someone bolt an EDAC to the side of their A4.

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So it beginsā€¦


Watching with excited anticipation here. :slight_smile:


Keep us posted with assembly pics too if possible :wink:

Plus, whatā€™s your estimation of the space envelope (in particular could you have gone higher without fouling a PCB ā€¦ i.e. is a 2x2 array of 1/4" TRS outlets a non starter) ?

Good stuff :thup:

The next step is just wiring the jacks to the pins shown in the previous pictures soā€¦ I wouldnā€™t get too excited :panda: