Introducing Analog Four & Analog Rytm MKII

£178 more than buying direct from Elektron (£1199)
Maybe they’ve jumped the gun on a planned price hike

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somehow to separate the biggest lineup from the syntakt….there’s either a big OS update coming (hopefully wavefolding, buchla inspired oscillators, graphics and such) or a pendant to the syntakt with FM and A4 voicing called the syntone.

please with some long OS change logs 🫶

Wow. It was only £900 pre pandemic at Andertons. The Rhythm has always been more expensive at around £1100 back then and the Octatrack was £950.


I think we’ll see something like a 2.0 update for the MK2 Units which will then clearly separate this line up upwards…as Elektron concentrates itself more on this “machines” approach with the syntakt for instance.

the actual OS could act as a legacy OS if you’re still exchanging from/to the MK1 Units.

the A4 MK2 for instance, it’s really complex, once you’ve been creative with the settings and such it’s rewarding! coming from Synth tech, Analog signal paths and such it’s obviously that the A4 gives control over the “barebones” of the sound structure, also really good!

but imagine if the current Oscillator Setting is just a “machine”, A4 Classic for instance…

or the filters could be swapped individually as machines, if Elektron would combine the internals via Software in a different manner it would be possible to create Oscillator Cluster settings with triple AM on one Oscillator or Filter Banks in parallel.

I hope they’ve been creative with the UI