Introducing Digitone

Sure, but it’s also the case that the limitations of the environments you’re referring to are a direct result of hardware limitations.

The C64 has 3 oscillators that go through a single filter because that’s what on the SID chip. Early trackers are limited to 4 channels because the Paula chip had only four 8-bit PCM sample sound channels. Nanoloop has two pulse channels, a 4-bit custom wave channel, and a noise channel because that’s what the GBS hardware can do.

Elektron can choose what hardware and processing power to put inside their boxes, and given what’s currently available in terms of price/performance on the microcontroller market, it’s not entirely unreasonable to wonder about the reason for limiting the voice count to 8 on both the DT and the DN.

Undoubtedly, and I’m not trying to suggest people are “wrong” for wanting more polyphony etc, feature requests and so on, I was just saying that it has always been an Elektron trait to have certain limitations in the machines, so I don’t get some of the complaints is all, I’d expect it if Elektron released a 32 voice poly machine with no sequencer or p-locks though :smiling_imp:

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Elektron hast their very own way of designing their Machines. And Limited polyphony AS well AS the Sequencer with p locks is Part of that philosophy. You either accept this or simply buy something Else. Other manufacturer do their Thing too consequentely. Look at Moog…

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I need to take a break from these gear forums until mine arrives. Reading people’s thoughts on the DN can be so annoying.


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)


Dunno man, they once shipped a 16 voice drum machine… :rofl:


Why? Are you afraid that people’s thinking can somehow influence your choices? I do not think your thoughts and opinions are worth more than anyone else here.

Coincidentally, I get most annoyed by people who know little to nothing about FM synthesis who act like they know what they are talking about.

Best argument against 6op is trying to create a patch on the Volca FM.


I’m going to miss you around here Prints :joy:

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It does 6-op instead of 4-op because 4-op is much easier to understand and use than 6-op, and because historically 4-op has worked really well for more “synthetic” sounds, especially with more harmonically rich waveforms than pure sine waves.

It’s true that 6-op with pure sines is better suited for emulating “natural” instruments, but Elektron and its cutomers are not primarily interested in that.

So, now tell me on what grounds the design decision to not give it 12 or 16 voices instead of only 8 was made…

The Volca FM is fun, because you can change the OP models and record that knob movement as well as other knobs. It Sounds great, but only three voices.And i agree it is much harder to program with precision.

Probably to reinforce the fact that this is a synth designed for sequencing rather than playing big chords on.

If someone needs more ops and more voices…get a preenFM MK2. 14/8 Voices and Up to 6 OPs. 3 LFOs.


This way of engaging has to stop. Things have settled down on this thread since the frenzy of flags the other day - do not spoil it, please.

As for everyone calling this kind of post out - please resist this too, stick with the flags and ideally post in a manner which doesn’t provoke them at all

Interjections like this won’t help

Keep it civil

edit: please note - the referenced post has since been automatically banished by the community


Don’t see why sequencing and chords can’t go together.

And even without programming chords at the same step, it can be really nice to have monophonic lines where the release phases of the notes overlap without getting cut off by the synth engine running out of voices.

My point here is that making it 6-op instead of 4-op would change the nature of the instrument, arguably making it a less good product.

Doubling the voice count would not have changed the nature of the instrument negatively in any way, it would just have been a bit more flexible.

Pre-ordered. I’ve seen enough to believe this will pair really well with my OT2. Deciding factors:
Sounds really good
Small form factor
Balance of depth and immediacy
Scales - also on audio channels?
Control all
Often when I’m jamming on OT2 I mess it up nicely to a filtered wandering loop and can totally hear the DN percussive patterns coming in on top, crystal clear over the OT haze.
Also it look like a few weeks before they ship so any big issues will surface with the pre beta gang.

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No audio channels on the Digitone, but maybe they also work on the midi channels. Would love to see scales in the Digitak and other Elektron machines too. Makes making music a lot easier and faster.

Exactly, I have a friend that does entire indietronica gigs (including all synths sounds and drums) with just an analog four and his voice. 8 voices is plenty to do entire tunes with.


String quartets get by.