Introducing Model:Samples

He is a musician unafraid of bringing a few boutiques and a BS-2 on stage.
So yes, I think he is stoked.

He also loves to share knowledge and having an instrument marketed to a new segment of musicians who were previously priced out probably excites him very much.

I wouldn’t impart your own disappointment on the motivations of another human being.


I asked a question though, stoked or money. Glad to hear Cenk is happy about it, I’d hate to see him letdown.

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Several thoughts here… since

  • Model:Samples clearly sounds like the beginning of a new product line.
  • M:S is Class Compliant Audio.
  • M:S is not compatible with Overbridge.
  • Overbridge is clearly a pain to develop (I’m pointing half the blame on operating systems).
  • Overbridge has no revenue stream (which was originally planned for).

Does this mean the end for Overbridge, itself?

Elektron could likely easily create an AU/VST plugin for editor/librarian functionality, including ability to load samples and backup data. Class compliant audio is a great idea, on paper. I honestly wish all audio interface hardware would be compliant… e.g. Roland’s Aira/Boutique/JD lines, Novations Ultranova, Access Virus TI/2, etc. The necessary driver seems to make all of these very difficult to use reliably within a DAW… which makes it very problematic to use live with all your gear. The only real issue I see with class compliant audio, is that MacOS and Windows are both still limited to a single audio interface, unless relying on custom software (which itself is often problematic). Now, Apple has native aggregate audio abilities… but holy hell is this unreliable. It may work for an hour or so, but timing definitely goes out over time, and you’re putting on the technician hat more often than simply being a musician.

So… the one thing I’ve wanted (from Elektron) more than any other, has been a Mixer. Seriously, they’ve got all they hardware capabilities… Overhub MTT USB bussing, Overbridge support for multiple audio streams to/from multiple devices… including their Analog Heat FX unit. Just combine these into a single box!

Give me 16+ channels (at least 8 stereo, including trs jacks for additional gear), USB host for 8 devices (like overhub/overbridge), onboard FX as well as a couple sends. plug all the supported gear in via USB for clock, audio i/o, and midi (class compliant for controllers would be awesome, too).

Take my bucks!

Now… Since we’re seeing more and more class compliant audio devices hitting the market… does anyone know of a hardware mixer that supports class compliant audio devices via built in usb hub? I feel like this is the best way forward for any/every company. Honestly feels like this concept is as important as midi was in 1983. We have the technology… so who’s gonna build the box?


How would one record seperate audio per sample channel to DAW?

I was just watching the Sonic Talk video where Cenk was discussing the Digitakt. I know what you mean.


I don’t think is about money, but business model

I have the impression thats harder to keep pushing the bigger boxes software and develop meaningful iterations from them than develop a number of cheaper machines from what they already have.

Elektron HQ end of Jan 2018 (names changed for legal reasons)

Boris ’ ok guys, looks like the Digitone is a massive hit, any ideas for next year ?’
Alan ’ loads of people have been asking about an elektron style mixer, with p-lockable effects sequencer, maybe an SD card recorder for recording live jams, would be a massive hit, even Cenk said he would like one of those …?’
Boris ‘Naah, not feeling it, who’s Cenk ? ’
Alan ’ or an elektron style wavetable synth with p-lockable wave tables, you could import your own, in a digitone size case, the Wavetone ?’
Boris ‘sounds like a daft idea to me ’
Alan ’ or a Monomachine of the future with new synthesis types, people would go crazy for it’
Boris ’ no, no, no ! What we need is something innovative, something groundbreaking …
Tommy ‘I got an idea…’
Boris ‘go on …’
Tommy ’ you know we spent all that time designing the Digitakt …’
Boris ’ yeah…’
Tommy ’ and we only make 2 samplers at present, well we could take out the innards of the Digitakt, put it in a thinner but bigger white plastic box, but only have 6 voices instead of eight, save a few quid…’
Boris ‘go on …’
Tommy ‘we could completely remove the audio inputs so you can’t sample, add a few extra knobs and give it a tiny screen’
Boris ‘and …’
Tommy ‘you could sequence external gear but have to use the sample track to do this and have an optional battery that fastens on the side (for extra cash of course) that makes it twice as big !!!’
Boris ‘absolute genius, get the design team on it at once !!!’


I understand what you’re saying, I love the innovative Elektron.

However, their last big project- OverBridge- took a massive investment, and it will continue to require ongoing investment for maintaince.

If they can make a profit on this, I hope they do.

I just hope it doesn’t surpass the profit of the DigiTakt though, if I’m being perfectly honest.

Those seemed to be the perfect balance of features and affordability


You’re right and I appreciate OB 2.0 coming out from the team especially because I don’t own any older gear, just Digis and MKIIs. I’ve given the company a decent chunk of money for the best gear I’ve ever used, and will continue to support them. I’m just salty they didn’t release a third Digi after all the hype.

I said this once and I’ll say it again but Elektron definitely should’ve revealed OB 2.0 and released it today coupled with this device. I think it would’ve worked wonders for them, publically at least. My main disappointment is this could become their focus for a while, lower end… plastic gear… but I what do I know? Absolutely nothing, other than I’ve got what I want for now.


I’ve got an A4mk1, MD, OTmk1 and a DT my main setup it pretty much perfect(though a MnM would be pretty cool)

Modular for some weird random sounds.

If they released a Digi-Drum Synth I would have been happy for y’all. But I already have the greatest drum synth ever created.

They’ve already got an amazing line-up. What you can’t buy currently, spend the money and find a silver box.

Just do it :smiley:


In the words of Primus… “They Can’t All Be Zingers”.

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This box clearly isn’t meant for those who already own rytm octatrack or digitakt. It’s meant to be a simple and cheap intro to the elektron world for a new group of users. This is a company. They see Volcas and monologues etc selling so they want a piece of that market. The entry level market. For those who are so disappointed, wake up. This isn’t really meant for you. Moog has the Minitaur, mother 32, grandmother, sub 37, Moog one… elektron is just expanding


Just read about this over at MW:

  • Elektron sequencer up to 64 steps with unique length and **scale settings per track**

WTH? If this is not forthcoming in new OS releases for all the other boxes (of course its not) then F-THEM - WTF? This has been a major shortcoming of their sequencers since like forever and now one needs to buy some junky little consumer box to get it when it isn’t available on their ‘premium’ boxes?

I continue to be skeptical about the ‘handicapping boxes so you need to buy them all’ theories but am warming up to the ‘don’t give a flying F about hosing their customers over and over again’ theory.

If the more expensive / premium boxes sequencers continue to be handicapped by the lack of clock divider I promise I will turn into one of those full on Elektron haters. I am very forgiving and unbiased in general and like devices for what they are but this is way beyond acceptable. The OS’s for the A4/AR/DT/DT need to receive this standard and essential functionality. Jeebus - WTH?


The other boxes aren’t 64 step?


As far as I know they didn’t say there’d be no more Digi boxes… they didn’t say there’d be no new grey flagship boxes… and I don’t think they said they’d never make another synth with keys… stop me if I’m wrong but I think they said on record they’d put out a ton of stuff, and that’s what they are doing lately. Isn’t it?!


Ok take a deep breath

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Errr…we’re missing something here.

By the way, AR and DT have retrig, A4 has arpegiator, all have track multipliers and dividers - loads of ways to subdivide clock.

If you did mean to post about individual track multipliers aka Octatrack, then I totally agree!

To be fair, it looks pretty fun to jam on but I love my Digitakt and it does a lot more and to be honest I think Korg have hit it out the park this year with the volca drum and minilogue xd, they both sound great.

You mean sequencing it from the esx? Or jusr midi synced?

The only box that isn’t 64 step cable was the MD(UW) mk1

Also the Analog Heat, if we’re technical

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