[iOS] Tensor - Kit & Pattern Randomizer for the Model line

Dumbed down would be fine for me, I would want the app for easy randomization and maybe some funky pattern creations. I’d still like to use a hardware interface when jamming with the M:C so

yea, seconded… dumbed down to only randomization options for parameters and/or steps would be fantastic. If the mixer gets in the way, bye mixer!


my M:S will be here monday, i know you said it is currently not working for it, but figured id grab the test flight for when you do…or i’ll wait for the full release. either way this is gonna be great!

Update Out

  • Added support for the Model:Samples
  • Improved Randomization
  • Added Vol+Dist control to the Mixer
  • Added more Pattern functions

I have only had the M:S for a few days so the sound design functions for that are still a work in progress.


Agree. Apple screws you of course on price, but they work…

Now if electron could fix the usb audio bug… :unamused:

I think a stripped down phone version that just did voice randomization and morphing would be Uber useful.

Hey @mekohler thanks for making this! It’s awesome! Is there anyway to change the default note from C-5 with tensor? Or any keying options? Looking for a way to use the randomization while keeping everything in the key of my current song in Aum or whatever.

Not at the moment…the only thing that affects notes is the RND Note button, which will randomize Trig Notes. I can add an increase / decrease note function though.

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That would be killer for keeping it compatible with current melodies or whatever you might have going with other iPad apps! I can’t believe how much this just blew the lid off of M:C functionality! So badass!

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Update Out:

  • New Pattern functions, including Note Increase / Decrease
  • Added ability to select which Tracks the Pattern functions affect
  • Fade In / Out Mixer Levels
  • Improved M:S Randomization

sweet! my M:S is arriving today can’t wait to try this

Wow. That was fast.

Does the ModelSamples have to be on the latest os to be compatible with Tensor?
I really don’t want the last update due to the finer lfo resolution, totally ruined the way I’ve been experimenting.

Sorry folks, I’ve just received my Apple CCK, plugged it it, have done an update for it so the iPad obviously sees it but the M:C still doesn’t show up?
What can I be doing wrong?
Followed all the settings to the letter!
You’re suggestions, idiot guide or advice would be gratefully received.

Dodgy USB cable!! D’oh!!!


This is great work my friend!
Stacks of fun.
Thank you so very much!

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Imagine something like this with a class compliant Digitakt & Digitone and the new iPad Pro 2020… One can only dream I guess but this is a very good start. The project looks great. Elektron should seriously consider making something like this themself as well. And make all their gear class compliant with firmware updates. This should honestly be a no brainer tbh.

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I installed the new OS as soon as I got my M:S, so I’m not sure :[

Okay thanks anyways!
I’ll maybe try and see, after a back up of course :+1:

Update Out:

  • Bug fixes
  • More sound design functions