iPad Music Apps?

Unfortunately, not all of them. Still can’t use certain devices which pull too much juice. I was quite disappointed to find out that it doesn’t power the miniDSP USB streamer (gives adat/light pipe iO for expert sleepers ES3/6 things).
Still a powered hub needed for that…

The USB3 dongle thing also has a lot faster MIDI than the older USB dongle. Dunno why. Doing tests with the Rytm connected it’s more than twice the speed.


What? That’s disappointing to hear. Glad you brought this up.

ok scratch my last… just testing again and it does work while connected to power. But pretty sure it didn’t earlier. I remember traveling to an Apple Store for buying it, then getting home and the first thing I tried was the usbstreamer, and it didn’t work. Weird that it does now, but good :blush:

anyway totally worth getting this over the old one without charger port.


It’s an odd thing, it powers both the UCA-222 and the Craftsynth, but it won’t power a midi-to-usb adaptor…

It’s a wonder no-one has made a sequencer inspired by Cirklon for the iPad. Surely it has the computing grunt to pull it off. With the right MIDI controllers it could offer a tactile experience as well.


A circlon on iOS - one can dream. Would be (as much as I hate this word) epic to say the least!


@Callofthevoid, would that Roland Duo Capture Ex work to send sysex to my MDUW+ and maybe A4. Would that work?

Also would it be bus-powered? Or is the Adaptor mandatory?

IMO the best contender would be Numerology partially ported to iOS, but Five12 is a one-man operation and he possibly doesn’t develop for iOS. Maybe a Kickstarter is in order?

Sorry but can’t confirm on any of those questions. My memory sucks and I’ve rarely used sysex. I’d guess yes on both. And if not bus-powered for ipad it also runs on 2 x AA batteries (which from broken memory is what I probably used).

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Just a FYI kind of tidbit. I have been looking for the smallest USB hub for using with iPad peripherals, and I think I have finally found a decent solution! It’s made in taiwan and costs next to nothing (payed 3€ inc shipping @ebay IIRC), looks like this:

So I bought one to see if it could pull off enough juice from the USB3 camera adapter to power multiple controllers at once, and yes, indeed it does!

No idea what the maximum current output is though so YMMV. But this is the neatest and cheapest solution I’ve found. Connects up to 3 USB devices.


And while we at it, was this already posted? Using ethernet lan with iOS:

Might be cool for lemur enthusiasts?

EDIT: Whoaa, are there any RTP MIDI supported apps on iOS yet? I can connect to my bomebox with this

By ethernet Midi you mean OSC? Lemur does that and lots more apps like touchOSC. But I keep hearing that there’s problems with ehternet adapters because Apple is blocking some important ports for safety reasons or something.

Ok, well I’m using one right now, so far my internet speeds are blazing! I’ll look into using this more in the future, but at least for generic http etc web traffic, seems to work well.

Are there any network latency testers online? Interested in checking those for improvements, as that would be the most critical benefit of using an ethernet conn over wifi (besides 0% packet loss?)

EDIT: Found a sourceforge HTML5 tester. Not a huge improvement with the ethernet compared to wifi, gained 1MB/sec of download speed and lowered max ping time by 30ms. But better than nothing :diddly:

No, I mean the MIDI over ethernet protocol:

I think I have a bit of researching ahead of me… bomebox is supposed to support this at least partially.

Are you using a Mac?

Yeah, mac and iPad

Probably easier if I do a video if you can’t follow this:

Run Audio MIDI Setup
Menu/Window/Show MIDI Studio
Double Click Network Icon
Make sure iPad app is running that uses MIDI
iPad name should show in bottom left of Midi Network Setup
Click connect and it should join the session
Make sure MIDI preferences in iPad app is sending to Network Session 1
Your mac should now receive midi on Network Session 1


Much obliged sir! Following you loud and clear. BTW do you know if RTP MIDI is timestamped? Might be a more robust way to sync something like Ableton live (without using link, that is)?

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Seems every app I try/buy is great on its own but whenever trying to integrate into a hard/soft setup it’s a fail with 1 or 2 exceptions.
My basic setup is an AR with Beatstep pro and MacBook Pro ableton. Thought iOS with Audiobus would be an answer for synth needs but network mid is not reliable with dropouts and latency. Thought Korg gadget with Link could be the answer but again dropouts with link show that not to be the case. Is it my setup? Well patterning works flawlessly with link so I doubt it modstep works also. So now after quite a bit of change thrown at various apps I realise that iOS is not going to be the dsp audio farm that I had hoped. However modstep and studio mux has been working without latency or glitches so right now the iPad looks like it could become a great midi sequencer if nothing else. Time will tell
If you have an iOS based setup or are integrating it in some way would love know how you’re getting on.


I don’t use WIFI-Midi i don’t like it. Ableton Link is better but not all app are compatible for now.

I get in working very nicely with two soundcards. I have Roland Duo Capture ex when i want to use iPad as a Machine inside my setup (of course i use midi in and out within the Roland soundcard).

In studio when i want to use iPad as an instruments or as FX Bus i use my iConnect Audio 4+ and it’s working as expected.

I think AUM is better when you want to use more than one app, at least i prefer AUM to Audiobus. (because of the mixer and powerful routing)