Is it me or is the Octatrack not quite perfect?

A I missing something or is it not possible to apply scene locks to midi channels…This seems like an unnecassary weak point in an otherwise incredible machine.

No, I’m afraid not. No Midi scenes.

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gutted, they need to fix this in a future update.

You are correct that MIDI track parameters cannot be assigned to scenes (manual, page 111).

Edit: as already noted by Rusty, above.

The usual assumed explanation is that if too many parameters were assigned, it might generate too much MIDI information to be reliable. Don’t expect this to appear in an update.

There is also a small possibility, albeit unsupported by evidence so far, that you are not perfect either!

Don’t hold your breath - the OT is running on old hardware and it’s likely it’ll only see simple bugfixes from this point on. Plus this feature was left out for a reason (risk of choking the midi stream by sensing too much data).
The OT is far from perfect, but you learn to work around its limitations.

There is also a small possibility, albeit unsupported by evidence so far, that you are not perfect either!

fair play… I have just come to expect so much from these products

There is ample evidence of that, in fact; much of it on Elektronauts.

Our dear Guga’s Morph4 would do the trick.