Is it me, or is the project management not very user friendly?

I see.
Well, I’m a manually saver, if that makes any sense…

If you can wait another ~9 hours I can look into that for you. I can test that on Octatrack, Digi-Tone&Takt.

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Yes (my first Elektron too). Just saying some people also complain about it, would like to disable auto-save and load saved state at startup, instead of last state.

I’m ok with Digis project management. I’d like improvement concerning Sounds, easier way to save plocked trigs and assign them in the Soundpool. (Hold a trig, turn Level, press Yes to assign in an empty slot).



To me it’s exactly right as it is…never felt counterintuitive either. But I had watched tutorials before buying and it was explained in them. Made total sense.

I wouldn’t understand why one would want it to auto save as one went…I mean, I know I have very often I opened a project, messed with a bunch of patterns, and realized I’d made it worse…having the ability to reload a project from a previously saved state after making changes seems essential.

The difference is that with the models if power gets cut you lose all progress, whereas if you manually turn it off with the button it saves progress to the sort of “temp” working area like y’all are talking about. The digi’s have a super capacitor (I believe) inside which allows them to save the data as if you hit the power button even with the power cut, so you don’t lose progress. I’m not 100% sure but I think the power switch on the digi’s is electrically just cutting the power off as if you were pulling the power cable. Not totally sure though.

Ah, I was wondering why this happened so much more with the models … thanks.

I don’t really get your problem. It’s just how the data ecosystem of the machines is designed. Just make sure you save your project before loading another / a new one. (It even warns you before loading another project, when you have unsaved changes!)
And make sure, you save (FUNC + COGWHEEL)… A LOT!

I don’t take it for granted, either, that it lets you save the project while a pattern is playing. Whenever I’m digging what I’m hearing, smash that func + cog…

I definitely would love to see an autosave feature that actually saves to disk, with some rudimentary way of reverting. Some file versioning, I guess.

And I can see how the way it works today can be somewhat misleading. You think it saves all the time, not realizing that it’s just some temporary memory location and not an actual safe.

What I find the most nerve wrecking though is switching project and not wanting to save changes of the current one. The Yes/No questions make me hesitate because if you’re reloading the current project, Yes means not saving, but if yot load another project, Yes means saving. Sometimes I forget and I accidentally save all patterns before loading a new project and that could be after a jam rehearsal, meaning I’ve tweaked a lot of parameters that I really didn’t want to save to disk. I’ve made it a habit to always reload the current project before loading another project. That way I know that Yes won’t accidentally save when I don’t want to.

Again, file versioning (“Go back to 2023-02-19 12:30”) would be sweet.