My A4 received the clock from my friends Korg.
The problem was that I received midi cc’s and they added trigs to the A4 Sequencer. In the midi settings the clock receive was turned on.
We fixed it by turning off the Midi Channels for each track of the A4.
I only select clock receive isn’t it supposed to not pick up midi Cc’s?
Sorry…cant understand properly…
and i suppose that your understanding of MIDI protocol is fair enough.
MIDI CCs don’t put triggers…NOTE ON does
So…you had the problem that some notes were going to your A4.
What was that Korg?
Anyway…CLOCK goes on all Midi cable channels.
The trigs happened because the Midi channel set to send of that Korg was sending on a channel (probably 1 to 4 if you didn’t change those) used by midi reception on A4.
It is NOT a bug…it is MIDI working as it is supposed to do