I have several long stems I plan to use for a live set comprised of bothy WAV and AIF files. Is there a risk to having both types or would I be better off converting all AIF files to WAV to minimize any risks during a live show? Also, how do you guys make sure to to not touch the STOP, PLAY, and REC buttons during a show? It happened to me once - I accidentally hit STOP while playing with SCENES and I had to reload the track which was kinda embarrassing.
Probably personal preference but I think being consistent with file types is a very good thing.
Octatrack can read wav and aif, I only ever use wav so no idea what happens if you have both.
How do I make sure I dont hit stop? I dunno dude, its never been an issue for me. Maybe work on learning the layout of your machine, Concentration, build muscle memory?
I know the layout of the OT quite well but I accidentally bumped it during a set. Just wondering if there is a function to temporarily disable the transport during a live show. It should have been ideally located above the screen and not in the center of the unit.
Works with any gear!
Pressing Rec is not a big deal.
I never bothered with file types on my OT, I have a few (probaply corrupted) samples still on my card that can’t be read, but that’s not gonna happen out of the blue.
If OT can load/play a file, it’s not gonna fail next week or so.
Never happend throughout the years of Octatracking and that wouldn’t make much sense anyway.
I’d say, if your project plays fine at home, it should also work on stage.
Safest : don’t touch OT at all, using a midi controller without Start / Stop.
If you‘re fancy you could pull the cap out and replace it with one that doesn‘t stick out so far or doesn‘t stick out at all (3D print?) so you‘d have to use your finger nail to push stop.
I like the idea!
Active track up/down can be controlled with midi notes, not possible to select tracks 1-8 directly, though. So when using the autochannel could become tedius working with track up/down.
Or is there any workaround for selecting tracks directly with midi?
I don’t think so. You can control tracks directly with their respective midi channel, but you’d need a controller with pages or a huge one.
Where the F… is my track 3 lfo 2 speed?
I tried working with eight presets on my BCR2000 for OT tracks 1-8, also tried using different layouts for working with one preset.
Somehow a midi controller really opens up the OT, but haven’t found a solution yet for all use cases.
The generic layout of midi controllers quickly gets annoying. Probaply best midi controller for OT is OT
If your not touching your OT (except for start and stop at the beginnng/end of the gig) though, controlling it entirely from a midi controller you won’t need parameter feedback over midi.
Request CC from OT with CC61 might be needed when banks/parts are changed, though.