Is there a way to boost drum sample output without overdrive?

I noticed that even if I chop mono drums on the computer and use them in ableton everything has a good volume. When I use the same sound into the RYTM it just sounds low even when the sample volume is up to 127. Should I normalize the samples on an audio editor on a computer or is there a function I am missing in the RYTM?

i would normalize your samples before they go into the Rytm. that will probably get you what you want.

Hello, there’s a lot of fader can occurs impact on volume. normalize is a good point… But you can down all the others if you want to made yours more loud … I notice You need patience to get the overall mix u want from the AR. Compressor can help… And when you have a master volume pleased you well mixed you can always rework a bit later in DAW. Or Get a analog mixer/console between AR and DAW/soundcard


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