Isn't the Analog Four the most incredible and deep instrument from Elektron so far?

But how? I don’t see a portamento on/off and portamento time parameter.

And does it work in combination with the sequencer? Or only when you play the keys?

nice vibe

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If memory serves, it’s on the second page of oscillator 2. Simply press the osc 2 page button twice to access glide settings.

Edit: you may have to turn it on in the settings menu first. Ugh, my a4 is unhooked from my setup at the moment so sorry for the jumbled reply. Portamento’s in there somewhere though lol!

Portamento is on the second page of both Osc 1 and Osc 2.


Not really the second page (double tap) but more on the setup menu (Func+Osc button) iirc.


Yeah, but I don’t want to make it too easy. :wink:

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Important to note: the portamonto setting only effects notes played “live” on the A4 (via the a keyboard or the chicklets). To sequence a “glide” type thing, you have to use “note slide”.


Hey all, is turning encoder A the only way to select how many times a row is repeated (Song Mode)? I have no complaints about my encoders, just for this function I have to be so careful to hit the number I want, it is very annoying and I loose time over it.

seems like A is the only one yea

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cv-out to audio-in makes for bass behemoths


The song mode on the A4 is nowhere near as easy to use as the Digibox version. Real shame.

Still disappointed Elektron hasn’t yet gifted us an Anniversary Edition of this beast. (Don’t right now though, I’m broke.)


Whoaa! :fire:

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Yeah same issue here, the encoder is very sensitive.

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What would that consist of?

Cool aesthetics, maybe a unique patch pack or something. Similar to what they did for the Octa Anniv. Ed.

The Rytm’s 10 yr anniversary approaches. They still could surprise us.

I love my Analogs, and would probably take out some kind of gross financing product if they brought out special editions of them. I actually hope they don’t. My best/worst fear in this domain sees them making all-red & blue editions to reflect the limited edition MD/MnM from back in the day.

don't do it

(why didn’t they make [REC] on the MnM blue?)


Because Red Means Recording silly


For some reason I thought the Rtym came out first and the A4 after

I confess to trusting Wikipedia here.

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