Issues with New Elektron Website?

As terrible as their LCD display on their Analog Heat MkI. Used 4 times (yep, that good) from new and can barely read it now. No contrast adjustment! Who would have thought.

I hate complaining about these things but here I am doing what I hate. The website is still criminally slow to load pages even on Wi-Fi and generally doesn’t feel trustworthy. I wanted to buy an ECC-6 bag today but just gave up because I don’t trust that the order will go through. Which is probably the opposite effect they were going for. Seems way more sales orientated but Elektron lost a sale today with the current design / responsiveness :frowning:


I wonder most, that they don’t do anything on that. The first news after the website-post is may 24th, so the website-relaunch is at least 2 month ago, and they still have not fixed the core issues (slow loading times, timeouts missing links and a reliable working order process). All three, or at least the later two, are issues I know as “If this does not work, we cannot launch” issues. But as they didn’t do any noticeable stuff on that front, they either don’t read the complains, or they don’t care. Both very very sad. :frowning:


Wow! Just tried it after seeing this thread. Absolutely garbage.

I’m trying to buy a soundpack and the page is just sitting there with a spinning thing after clicking the checkout button :\

By the way, I can fix your website issue, and I will work for gear too!

Dont use any adblocker + allows coockies to the website, and it will work perfectly without lagging.

Well, that’s shit.



I was trying to get the latest OB today and ran into this. Please Elektron.

Wow. No accèss to manuals, other downloads and account without allowing various third party tracking scripts. This is uncool.


Yep, just tried to get to the DN manual page as I have questions and it just spins. Brutal! Now what?

There are new things i like, but also think the old site was better, sorry for being blunt.

I also don’t get the reference with the Digitone being associated with a desert and grains of sand?

To me a ‘desert’ means: dry, almost devoid of life and very hot. A place i don’t want to go wandering off without my stillsuit (dune reference)

I would use undiscovered caves as a reference, when talking about crystalline sound. Lots of beautiful gems to be found in caves, all nice and sereen. Nice wavy echo-ing lush sound. Also caves have lots of mystery, like where will this path lead to? Or what beast is hiding inside these pockets, will we get lost and ever want to find our way back to the ‘normal’ world? Also nice and dark. etc, etc, the list goes on.

Sand, desert, not so much.

Yes, i am willing to move to sweden and sweep the floor, clean the toilet for a job at Elektron. In a heartbeat.

Heartbeat and alien anatomy would be a nice reference for the syntakt in some way, considering all the different machines and their functions combined to form a complete entity of its own. Although the cyberpunk neon vapor wave look is also appealing :wink:

Cheers guys and gals!

:metal: @Elektron

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Recently the site is painfully slow…takes ages to even load an image… overload?

Previously etc…

Its just a crap site now.

I was attempting to listen to soundpacks for purchase but it spin and spin and spin around no matter the browser or device

Honestly, I still don’t get all these complaints ! I never have had a single issue since it was launched. Always loading with decent times and so on. I might have preferred the previous design (even though I like a lot the new icons), but that’s just a matter of taste.
For the rest, no clue why you all have a buggy website :sweat_smile:

Works fine for me too.

Some of the people that had problems were using ad-blockers. Not sure if that was the problem though.

Well, they’ll lose (direct) customers and metrics. Hopefully they’ll learn.


Just tried to download the new DT soundpack and this website is absolutely fucked.
Wouldnt accept my email login, had to change my email (!!!???) wouldnt accept my passwords, complete run around bullshit and for what? some dumb new graphics?
I dont have my sound pack they had no problem taking money from me for, cant access my old account info…

also, i apparently dont have any registered machines anymore.
I own 4 machines that i had registered with Elektron.
this is pretty disturbing that they dont have my account info anymore nor can i access any of the soundpacks that i have purchased

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