I’ve come to a realisation recently that, just as in school, all my best work seems to be the result of banging something out in under an hour and moving on.
In celebration of this I give to the world my first EP of music. All four tracks were put together and recorded live in under an hour each. Not that that was the aim at the start, they are merely the product of a busy life leaving little room for fucking about. I’ve kept them as raw as when they were performed because I think they have their own energy and kind of sit together well as a collection. All tracks have been posted on here individually at some point, a byproduct of my need to overshare. All tracks were created using various combinations of Digitakt, Digitone, DFAM and Lyra 8 with various FX and a heat on the master buss.
I’m hoping to spearhead a whole movement of people united in the quest to give unsuspecting Bandcamp hipsters mild headaches.
It’s a great combo, I have many takes of just those 2, mostly without external fx, lately added a tape delay and a spring reverb. It feels like an electronic unplugged session.
I was all set to do it, then I mentioned it to my wife. She thinks that the several 80+ year olds on our cul de sac might find that they’d be struggling with more than a headache if I was to carry out my threat as planned.
It’s put the plan on hold, somewhat.
My wife’s 5 months pregnant, I’m not about to do anything to piss her off, her rage grows stronger and more powerful every day (she’s Darth Vader force choke powerful already).
Call me a coward if you like, but I’ll be doing as I’m told at home for the forseeable.
Perry Como remix though…
Thanks, your generosity is much appreciated.
Tracks 1 and 3 are just a DFAM and Lyra 8 (plus a bunch of FX and Analog Heat) semi-improvised live.
Tracks 2 and 4 are the Digitwins and Analog Heat.
Yeah I like the minimal rawness there! Gotta borrow my pal’s DFAM one of these days.
Btw, marketing wise, on synth nerd fora we care about gear and recording methods but music explorers on bandcamp probably do much less. How about an album text that talks more about intent, mood and/or character than tech?
Thanks for the advice, I am absolutely useless at marketing, so any advice is greatly appreciated.
I’ll get my wife to write something, she’s proper wordy.