Jomox Alphabase - thoughts and alternatives?

I remember reading on another forum that you can erase patterns and kits but it has to be done manually (shouldn’t take more than a few minutes). The default “initialize” kit will always be an 808.

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This week I might just sit and empty the whole unit. Seems there are 5 banks of 16 patterns 1-5
Bank 6 has 2 patters if I recall then bank 6 patterns 3-16 are user/empty and so are banks 7-8 patterns 1-16 user/empty.

Yeah they seem to revert back to 808 after deleting patterns etc so I might just initialise 1 kit with no sound assigned to the full kit then just copy/duplicate the empty kit to all pattern banks 1-8 so you’d have a totally empty machine to start from scratch aka no 808 default kit.
If this works I’ll post the file.


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I’ve just posted my AB for sale if you are still looking ? PM me if you like. Tone

Cheers Tone. That’s a great price too.
Sadly I moved on from the AB age have pre-ordered the Tanzbar 2. Otherwise I’d struggle to not go for your deal.
I’m sure you’ll shift it though.

Thanks for letting me know.

Still think about the alphabase, it just looks confusing. I love the Tanzbar 2 and didn’t find it that confusing. I love the sound of the alpha base, but yeah, looks very unintuitive.

I did take the Rytm and haven’t even slightly regretted it at all. I’m playing live off it and also jamming out complete tracks from patterns. It’s exceptional.


Just got my Alphabase. Love it. I’m sequencing it from my Force using separate midi channels for all 11 sounds. That way I can vary the tone and just finger drum like crazy.

I have not even begun to explore it yet and the price was a bit much but the power and the bite and all the variety of ways to mold those sample sounds is great.

I spent a half hour last night on the FM slot…so nice.


Just sold an Mbase 11 because Midi just does not work. I wrote to JOMOX, but of course no one replied.

That Jomox sold/sell products that barely -if at all- function just boggles my mind. Not a fan.


I occasionally fancy the idea of picking up this module, but the midi triggering issues dissuade me. It seems crazy that this device, designed only to create kick sounds that must either be triggered by trigger input or midi, cannot actually be properly triggered by midi.

That’s embarrassing for such a simple design still being produced for over a decade.


I have no idea why that dude still thinks he’s a software developer. hire someone that knows what they’re doing so your otherwise great sounding circuits aren’t nestled isn’t absolute dumpster fire operating systems. and try answering a support email or two (ideally without insulting the customer, which is apparently the only time he’ll reply).

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There’s a new OS (1.49) adding 9 “scenes” aka presets with limited tuning range for the Mbrane, it’s a welcome addition :

Because the MBRANE instrument is so complex, and many users have
struggled to easily find e.g. a proper snare drum sound, we have added a fixed
preset selection with limited tuning range to quickly obtain snare drum, tomlike or kick drum sounds without diving into the sound production parameters.
On page A, where previously Gate Time was (on both pages) is now a so-called
Scene parameter.

You’ve got 9 scenes:
1-4 contain 4 different snare drums,
5-7 contain 3 tom-like and
8-9 contain 2 kick drums.
„Off“ brings back the previously stored MBRANE sound. In „off“ mode the
MBRANE instrument works as known before.

Within scene selection, the pitch tuning range of the both membrane oscillators
is very limited. This is useful for distinct snare drums or kicks. The normal
range of the membranes covers the whole audio range, and this may have
been tricky for many users. You can fine tune the membranes and it is being
stored like this. All other parameters work as before.
If you have selected a scene and are editing the parameters, you have to
quick-store the preset (encoder 16 click) in order to keep it. Once you turn
Scene again, all is gone and the fixed scene preset is reloaded. With „off“, the
latest stored preset (full range tuning) is loaded.
But if you stay on the scene you can change all values, and after storing the
sound is recalled like this, keeping the scene number.

Here’s a quick loop I made using the Mbrane as toms with one of these scenes :


Hi, would you mind to explain your problem with the Mbase11 talking midi? I have mine hooked up since years via midi without on single hiccup… what was the fault?

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The earlier models had a software issue that made the device only sometimes respond to midi. There are some workarounds like sending cc data like an lfo to an unused cc, but that only seemed to work intermittently.
That issue was fixed by JOMOX, but unfortunately the only way to get the software updated is by sending the device to them and paying a ridiculous fee. That is if they ever respond to your emails to begin with.

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When I had one I found that just turning off midi clock going to it worked - otherwise it would ignore a midi note here and there

The thing of sending continuous CCs also workedc, but think that was a workaround for ppl who still wanted to send it midi clock for syncing things like LFO

Updated mine. The new mbrane sounds are great and super handy to have!

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I made a big demo of the Alphabase for anyone who’s been wondering what the fuss is all about :

I also made a sample pack to go with it


I’m about halfway through the video, and this is perhaps the best walk-through of the Alpha Base I’ve seen.


Thorough and entertaining at the same time. Nice work @tumulishroomaroom

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@InvalidException & @Kpucski Thanks a lot ! Much appreciated

I have the Jomox base drum eurorack module and love it. That said, from videos the user interface of their stand alone Alphabase is terrible. I enjoyed the Rytm MK2 that I borrowed from a friend and it sounds great. So between the two, the Rytm MK2 would be my choice for a stand alone drum hardware synth thus far. Soma Pulsar 23 is cool but still need a decent clock and sequencer for it. And more expensive.