“Just throw it in a backpack”

I live out of a back pack, IT dude with a laptop going from site to site. When I get the occasional vacation, PO-33 packs snug. All my other gear only goes as far as my deck.


backpack, whatever. all this couch nonsense? i just dont get it…

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Could be a useful attribute for anyone with an unstable housing situation.


I know, right? The bed is where it’s really at!



Elektronauts seems like a throwing-averse community but based on the comments, there do seem to be plenty of backpacks, and a cool ute.

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I don’t drive, so my live setups tend to be something I can easily fit in a backpack (with appropriate protective covers, of course). The most I’ve gotten away with is OT+MnM, which were very snug in my backpack, but worked well.

I’ve tried a few larger setups (like OT+Nord Modular racked into a big mixer case) but lugging that to a gig just to play a 30min set, to 20 people, for a couple of free beers and maybe $50 maximum (if I’m lucky) just wasn’t worth it.

So naturally, the backpack mentality transfers to when I’m working with my gear in studio as well. Whatever I could comfortably take to a gig.


Most of my stuff I’d want in a case anyway so for actual travel I don’t care a whole lot. That said, I do like the M:S because its easy to disconnect from my studio and use around the house. Ability to fit in a backpack would never be a deal breaker for me though.

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Why wouldn’t you want a portable set up if you like playing live?

Holding a Digitakt, Digitone, Analog Rytm, Analog Heat, Fostex MN-15, MFB Nanozwerg and a mini tuner, with all audio cables and power cables.


the more you love what you do the more you want to do it and portable gear helps to facilitate that passion. If I’m not making music I start to become fidgety… it’s all about capturing moments and frankly nothing else matters.

why does a painter carry around a sketchpad

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I think I just have no sympathy for the “backpack crowd.” because my first thought was “oh, I’ve been there! but try adding a couple hour drive each way and hauling a drum kit, PA, and a few synthesizers on top of that…”

but yeah… still the 20 people, and $50 (if lucky!) and beer payment thing.

why do we do this again? :thinking:


I am spending a lot of time in my camper van somewhere out there with my dog. Its nice to have a small setup with me out there.
And even without. If I would live in a city, I would love to take a small groove box to the park, spend some time in the sun being creative and relaxed.
Especially in time where people don’t leave their homes for work anymore, I can understand the desire to leave the studio to get some inspirations.


I often jam with friends, my gear tends to leave the studio regularly (OT and DN most of the time).
Thinking of switching the Thomann producer backpack for a case, but haven’t done it yet.

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Oh, another thing I forgot to mention… Stripping down my equipment to be portable (OT, OT+MM2, Rytm2, Rytm2+MM2, Circuit or Circuit + MM2) even in the studio helps me a lot to not get overwhelmed by options. I even packed my Virus TI away, because I got lost in way to many Synth-Tracks per Jam.
Even the OT + Rytm + Circuit Tracks is more than enough for ours of Live-Play in my opinion.

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because we can?

very interesting, thanks for mentioning it here.

(also, this can be a super cool reason to order a bunch of cables and other little things that i need)

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You can put 1 OT and 2 Digi, or 1 OT + A4, or even 2 Analogs! (all with PL covers of course)
Best bang for bug when it comes to backpacks for Elektron gear, IMO.

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a bit tight for MC-707, but i’m still downsizing :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Just knowing that I can take my OP-1, sit in a park when the weather allows it, and record a few tracks is incredibly liberating. Just knowing that a piece of gear can’t do that can be a reason not to buy for me.
I personally have no interest in building a studio, I would rather be surrounded with my music gear all the time, wherever I go. I also like to move parts of my setup around to change how I interact with it, a bit like a modular setup.

However, if OP meant their message in a sense of « just throwing it in a backpack? », then that does sound wild to me. Whether it has knobs or pads, I would not want my gear, no matter how cheap, to be « thrown in a backpack » haha. Protection, always :+1:


I have to admit I do not subscribe to everyone enthusiasm…

I can surely understand people “on the road” or with space issues but I find this whole “thing” more about potential ideal dream than reality.

I used a machinedrum, a mpc live in the outside, (train, parks etc…) and it was fun to “be able to” but nowhere near practical and easy…

I still consider acoustic instruments really superior in that matter because you can actually share your music to the outside immediately.

If I want to do the same with my blackbox or digitone ( they can both stand by their own imho) I would need a powerbank ( Battery do not last forever…), cables, a minirig system ( let say at min 1 standard and one bass )…I’m already far from “throw’em all in a backpack”…Not to mention I need to bring something to capture this and make a great video for my channel ! :slight_smile:

I think that this trend of “Play your music at camp 4@everest #producerlife #talent #howawesomeIam #likeme #subscribe #redbull #roland #pionneer” speaks for itself…

A bit like this pic :

Yeah, sure, I gonna make my new musical masterpiece in a park between two 360 laserflips in a bowl with my immaculate sweatshirt surrounded by all my beautifull smiling friends who also are talented creatives…Yeah, sure thing, I just need to buy one more thing…Or two…And after that maybe we’ll go skydiving a bit before our tonight gig !

Don’t get me wrong, I know some peoples genuinely like to make music outside and bring what they needs to make great performances ( which is more than a M:S in a backpack imho ) and good to them, really !

But all this marketing around “Creating everywhere at anytime” is really something we should get rid of…Like photoshop in fashion shootings…

Please do not take this post too seriously, I hope I did not offend anyone…


As you state, that we should not take your post too seriously, you seem to see, that this “I don’t get it, so it must be BS” is kind of wrong, don’t you? :slight_smile: