Keys stuck in mono

Hey everyone!

I’m quite new to elektron equipment; in fact, i just received my Analog Keys 3 hours ago. it sounds great!

I’ve begun fiddling around with making my own patches, but for a previous patch, i turned to Mono/legato mode. Now I want to try making a 4 voice/poly patch, but i can’t seem to navigate the menu to make it back in poly mode.

I’m sure the answer is painfully easy, but this is a far more complex synth than im used to, so i’m having a hard time. any help?


Hi. Go to Kit menu (Fn + Kit) and scroll down to Poly Config menu item.

Hold function plus kit scroll down to poly config.

Does anyone knows a shortcut for this ?
I like to be able to switch from Poly to Mono and veice versa with the MM, it’s not that easy with A4K I feel.

hey guys, thanks. I ended up figuring it out, but it took me a while and i hastily panicked. I’m sure there will be more of these simple questions along the way. It’s fun to work with a machine that has a learning curve.