I couldn’t get it to sync at all using Clock. The only way I got it to sync was:
A4 CV D set to Trig on channel FX, added trigs on FX channel on 1/5/9/13
Set Keystep Sync Clock In/Out settings to ‘1pulse (Korg)’.
That works, but it skips arp steps (probably about 1 in 20 or so). Seems to get a bit better/worse when I change the time/voltage settings on the A4 CV config but I’m blindly fiddling around there!
If you go to the CV track itself (not the settings), you can go to the Amp page (which is the CV D settings) and set CLK to 1
I did just get a little hiccup so I adjusted the CV D settings in the global config settings down to 1. I “think” the length in the global config determines the length of the pulse and the CLK setting on the track parameter page is the clock rate.
So setting the Keystep to 1 step (clock), it will clock every time it receives a pulse.
You can use the CLK parameter to alter the tempo on the Keystep.
think about what you want to see - you want a brief +ve pulse - so adjust that gate length to the minimum to get closer if using gates from trigs - this should ease arp reliability
there are better and many basic sync strategies (advantages for each) - but if you are using value Lin, be sure to set the ‘potentiometer’ where you want it to be, generally zero, not the default half way point (assuming you restrict the voltage to 0 min and 1.5 max)
both DIPs down for internal is how i am trying to remember it, that seems a logical default - figuring out the graphic gets easy from there, whether you have black or white DIPs