Kick volume seems to decrease

I’d check the low end of the hat samples you mentioned. There might some stuff going on in the bottom end there that is triggering the compressor.

Thanks to everyone for the answers! Gonna try to record an example tomorrow. Can I do it throug USB or does it need to be done using audio cables for this purpose ?

Yes. Best quality theoretically. Just check if it sounds similar as analog outputs.

And record the hats separately too as they seem to be the reason

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Dunno if that’s enough for you guys. But here is a small recording. I don’t really notice a decrease of the kick volume when the hats starts but it sounds to increase when they stop.

In the DAW I don’t notice any change visually but I still hear it. Are my ears gettin’ crazy ?

(Gotta listen to it loudly to hear it btw)

I can check it later in the DAW if you want, but this sounds absolutely normal to me.
When the hats come in, the kick gets masked a bit, try to filter the hats with an high pass filter (some hats have frequency content way down into the mid-lows). You can also pan the hats.

Maybe you could also try to put a low pass filter on the kick to seperate it better from the hats, but I don’t it’s actually needed. High pass filter and panning on the hats should do.

The kick and hats have some frequency overlap, thus you get masking and it appears as if the hats “swallow” a bit from the kick.

that was my idea too but what does sound weird to me is that it takes some time after the hats are gone for the kick volume to sound “normal” again

this one is maybe even more easy to hear

what drives me crazy is that I think I never experienced that feeling in 15 years of techno production :smiley: (and it happened 2 weeks after getting my Digitakt so that’s a bit confusing)

But have you tried using a high pass filter on the hats?

I’m guessing if you were to view the frequency of the kick used or the the hi-hats used you will see frequency overlap that @Schnork mentioned.

A speaker cone only moves one way at a time, so if they’re competing it’ll cancel itself out resulting in quieter output.

Do you have a way to connect to a DAW via overbridge? If I were you, at this point I’d remove perception from the equation and use spectrum/meters to better inform what you hear with something you can see.

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I agree with your point but wouldnt be the cancelation direct/instant and not kinda delayed as it sounds here ?

You’re absolutely right, which is why I am suggesting viewing through a spectrum analyzer. Maybe you’re not noticing right away.

And have you tried the high pass on the HH with Low pass on the kick?

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I’ll really can’t hear anything unusual. Those are 909 hats, 909s go really deep into low mids…
Have you tried a high pass filter? 500Hz or so.

I’ll check it later in the daw.

I can’t reall hear that, but it’s possible that the hats can kinda sound like they’d ring out, like psychoacoustic phenomenon from the fast rattling hats, if you know what I mean…


post an example of something with similar sounds where you don’t hear the phenomena for auditory and or spectral comparison by someone more qualified than myself to do so

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Gonna try to filter them both and also try a spectrum on Ableton tomorrow ! I’ll let you know !

Thanks to you all for spending some time to help me not getting (totally) mad :joy:

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just having a listen, seems to me that part of the ‘knocky’ transient of the kick is being reduced a bit when the hats come in, like the kick is being a bit low-passed. is that what you mean? or are my ears differently screwed than yours? :smiley:


for what its worth, I don’t hear it in the first example, but I listened to the second example 3 times in headphones and I now think I know what you’re talking about. it does sound a bit like a long compressor release stage. I can’t be sure, I didn’t hear it the first time. second and third time my ears started to drop the kick volume after the hats came in. might be auditory hallucination on both our parts.

I agree, filter the hats before you make a decision. Two feet can not be planted in the same spot without one being pushed aside.

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Yes thats it.

I have to listen to it loudly or I don’t notice it.

And it’s easier to hear the kick increasing again after the hats are stopped than to hear it decreasing when they come in imo.

Was also thinking about some hallucination but an analyzer or a spectrum will surely help to confirm it :joy:

I didn’t know you could confirm hallucinations with analysers. :loopy:


Ahahah ! Nope but it could shows nothing changes :joy:

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So…if there’s anything happening besides masking, I can’t pick up on it.

At one point I thought what would happen if I took your drums (cut out just one kick + the sub bass and looped it) and added some 16th hats? Sounded similar to yours. I then high passed the hats. Sounded better/cleaner which suggests there is indeed masking going on…