
I have 0.5 /0.75 far sight, and its readable, but the display is not as good as the Dave Smith Displays. Its probably not fair to compare a 200$ device to a 10x times more expensive synth.

what is your usage case for the Kordbot?
I would love to hear how you put it to useā€¦

ā€¦ another week passedā€¦
still no infoā€¦
Guess they meant Dezember 2018 or so :slight_smile:
I learned to play a C Min Chordā€¦

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iā€™d love to see a bit more ā€œunder promise and over deliverā€ at this point. it doesnā€™t look like thereā€™s a chance of getting the kickstarters delivered by christmas, much less all of the orders already placed.

i just donā€™t understand quoting a volume of 50/day back in october and then producing 10% of that. if thereā€™s another manufacturing snag, just let us know.

Hello Guys,

For those interested, KordsKontrol first Beta demo has been released this week! It is compatible with the Korg padKontrol and NI 4 by 4 grids Maschine controllers. PC WIN only for the moment. The advantage of this solution is that you can use your own controller, no need to purchase a specific one. If you are interested to participate to the Beta testing, please visit the Downloads rubric of kordskontrol.com website. Your comments will be welcomed!
I am thinking more and more to extend the compatibility of KordsKontrol to 8 by8 grids controllers, like novation Launchpad (the versions that are velocity sensitive at least). But I donā€™t have any controller like that in my hand, and it would require a major application redesign. Maybe next year ?


Seems cool but I donā€™t own padkontrol or maschine. Also I own a Mac so that puts me double out :upside_down_face: I think thatā€™s gonna be the biggest limitation with this man, in my experience the large majority of people use macs for studio work. If you broadened the range of midi controllers then it would really broaden your horizons too. Consider pushing for putting it in its own midi controller, people really like hardware as you can probably tell from the kordbot ideas success. Many many people would instabuy. Cool software though

Edit: wait kordskontrol is a separate company to Kordbot right?

Thanks for your interest!
I completely agree with your remarks. I hope I can find some time next year to work on MAC compatibility. For Maschine controllers, it seems quite easy, the difficulty will be more for the padKontrol for some technical reasons. Concerning compatibility with others controllers, it is a little bit limited by the fact that KordsKontrol interface rely on a visual feedback on the pads Leds. Thus, only controllers with a controllable visual feedback could work. Also, the pads needs to be velocity sensitive, otherwhile the expressiveness will be very limited. I guess, the Novation Launchpad pro could be the next one on the compatibility list! PS : KordsKontrol is indeed a different company than KordBot. The approach is different, KordBot is a very exiting project that involves the development of a dedicated hardware. Something I am not planning to do with my ā€œsimpleā€ KordsKontrol projectā€¦ But I guess both project could have an audience!

yeah its a thread jack

Iā€™m order number 410 on indiegogoā€¦ ordered in June. Im really unhappy with how this has gone. No way to cancel or be refunded and yet my unit probably isnā€™t even built yet.

Brad should have stopped taking orders much sooner than he did.

i have a good feeling despite my indignation at the wait.

I had one of the last in the kickstarter, I got a mail this week for delivery and paid the extra shipping. So hopefully all Kickstarters will be shipped ā€œthis weekā€.

Im still looking forward to it, it has been more than a year. Still think it is a good deal, and the demos have been more than enough for me to see the potential.

That said not all buyers have had the same patience and I am sure that he received 100s of mails complaining about the delay in delivery,

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Yeah I was looking at that and it looks really niceā€¦ will wait for the sequencer to be implemented.

iā€™m one of the kickstarter backers who still doesnā€™t have an email. i appreciate the difficulty of the process for them and iā€™m looking forward to using it, but the lack of communication and the constant over-promise, under-deliver strategy is frustrating.

I got a colour choice/ address confirmation email on Nov 26th. Replied and had some correspondence with Brad, then an identical email on the 4th of Dec. that I again replied to and letting him know iā€™d replied a week before. On Tuesday 12th December having replied twice and heard nothing re: shipping notification, I sent him a gentle and polite nudge via email. 2 hours later I got notification from him it will ship that day. Iā€™ve been tracking itā€™s course across Florida, up to Philly and on the Newark, where it now sits awaiting the transatlantic leg. Seems nothing moves quick when it comes to Kordbot!
Hang in there guys, itā€™ll arriveā€¦ eventually!

You still havent waited as long as the majority of backers - I waited since Maerch 2016 :rofl:

no doubtā€¦

My gripe was meant more to highlight what seems to be a lack of foresight by the developer. If Im not mistaken, I backed the project not long after all of the targets were met. That being the case I expected to have to wait some time. Like most my last correspondence was recieved some time ago which led me to believe that sometime around christmas I could expect it to arrive. Iā€™d like to be proven wrong but I believe this was meant to assuage the gripes of backers who have waited some time. I am in the midst of my transition into middle age now and my skepticism is peaking lol.

Considering the times we live in I for one am tired of companies large or small eroding my trust with silence once they have gotten my money. Accountability is scarce and business practices far too often range from dubious to downright deceitful. That said I do believe the developer is / was passionate about the project and wanted to be sincere about fulfilling the orders. I do not envy the situation he finds himself in. Nonetheless, his goals may have been too lofty. And to be fair I should not fault him or anyone too much for that. But sometimes pride gets in the way of honesty and transparency.

ok ive gone too farā€¦ but I do feel better. Not at all like me to get all in a rant on a message board. apologies.

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Anyone know if orders placed directly from website have shipped yet? I ordered back in September. My guess is they have not but wanted to check with the group.

I ordered march 2016 still havent received it yet. There is no logic to the order they are shipped as they are shipping kickstarter and indiegogo orders simultaniously so it is impossible to predict when your delivery is up, but according to Brad everything should be delivered by Christmas.

there will be another christmas in 2018ā€¦

As far as I see that Brad underestimated the whole process and never involved a partnerā€¦
I donā€™t want to be in hs place realising the mass of work and mass of expactations to live up toā€¦

You will get your KB but when is another questionā€¦
I ordered mine via indigogo sometime in mid 2016 and the good thing is: I donā€™t care anymore about the money or the product itself as I have moved on and I am not even sure if I want the KB anymoreā€¦
For me itā€™s a lesson learnedā€¦ I do not crowdfund anymoreā€¦ That is okay with me.


still no newsā€¦
yes yesā€¦ christmas and new year and other stuffā€¦
I understand.
bot no Kordbot :open_mouth:
not even an emailā€¦
what happened with 50 units a dayā€¦ ?
I will start learning a second chord. I know I can do thatā€¦

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