Korg Discontinuing and Selling Off Synths ( OPSIX, etc )

I ordered mine Tuesday as well and just got a shipment notification right now.

There is still hope my friend!


Ordered from Reverb Monday afternoon. Received this afternoon in California.

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As much as I wish Korg cleared these out for an MK2 or desktop my guess is that they are simply done with fm for now. A bit like when Yamaha sold fsr1’s for $300 or so after it being a big flop.


The Meeting

A one act play on corporate logic.

Script for the Alternative Reality Playhouse

Cast :
Dan — Corporate Director ( constantly angry and yelling)
Susan — Logistics Manager
Ron — Marketing Manager
Ellen — Product Manager

Setting :
Conference room meeting table, Dan sits at the head of the table, with staff in cheaper seats further down the table.

Dan : We’re here to discuss the XISPO synthesizer product. I hear that sales have been sub-standard.
Ellen : Sir, the product just launched eighteen months ago now, and it is the most expensive in the group of three, the numbers have shown some good growth, and well Sir, you did trim our promotional budget, so we …
Dan : The product is a LOSER. How much is it costing us to warehouse the damn thing, Susan ?
Susan : Well sir let me see. You know warehouse costs are up and somewhat at a premium with the pandemic. Let’s see, the cost is up to fifty cents a cubic foot per month, and the XISPO box is about three cubic feet, so that’s a dollar fifty per month or … that’s eighteen dollars a year per synth.
Dan : And we have five thousand of those pieces of that … It’s costing us a fortune, on an $800 retail synth. I want them GONE !
Ron : Sir, i don’t think that’s necessary, as Ellen says sales are picking up.
Ron : Well sir, my sales projections predict if we reduce the price by a hundred and fifty dollars, with a little promotion, we would sell out our stock in just over two months.
Ellen : But sir …
Dan : Two days.
Ron : Well Ellen what is cost on these ?
Ellen : Let me calculate that.
[Pause while Ellen calculates. Staff looks nervous and Dan looks angry.]
Ellen : Well with this reduced lifetime and volume, spread over our up front capital costs, plus material and labor costs, right around four hundred dollars.
Dan : Good then we’ll set the price at three hundred, and add in the cost of shipping, so it’s three hundred and thirty.
Ellen : But sir, what about the international customers ?
Dan : I don’t give a damn, about any off those kooks. Sell this thing … NOW!

Apologies to anyone who had a boss like this. It was hard for me to write, Mr Willete.


You pay significantly less when you call it in. Buying online is for suckers :crazy_face:

Seriously, though, it’s true


Ok teach me the way! Do I simply ask for a better price, or should I try to finesse it into the conversation? I could make up a sob story, like “my guitar was stolen, my wife left me and my horse is lame”. Or is it more like a bazaar-style haggling?

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I just ask if there is anything they can do on the price, and they do. I’ve been using my sales rep for years. For example, got a Fantom6 and Pro 3 for 4300 together (before price hikes), got MPC Keys for 1600 on release day. I’ve never paid full price on an item aside from some boutique ish pedals.


What if you have the social skills of a typical synth nerd?


I am hopeless at haggling, and hate it (also telephones). After much working up the courage, I phoned Sweetwater, and asked the guy I was dealing with for a break on the Digitakt. He gave me 5%. This was early in my synth journey, and I later learned I could have gotten twice that just by paying full price at a retailer that didn’t charge me sales tax.


We’re fraying the topic, unless someone called in on an $750 synth and got it for $330, or bargained the selloff OPSIX down to $275.

There are lots of both used and new OPSIXes still on Reverb. They have a make an offer feature, try offering $330 shipping included. :laughing:


I think I saw you’re also in NY, or NYC? If so this is my same experience.

I also shop internationally for gear, and prices with shipping can be lower by 20% - 40% especially with the latest currency exchange rates.

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If I’m buying new gear from a retailer I almost always ask for a discount - a lot of the time I get one. One of those super simple life-hacks that seems too good to be true but works.

This is why the internet gods gave us livechat


I’ve started a “How to Bargain thread”.

My bargain — no more off-topic, here !


Got a text from Chuck Levin’s stating that Korg discontinued Opsix with the massive sale. This was in response to my question asking when they will have it back in stock.


I want to visit that thread but I don’t want to pay for it. What’s the best you can do?


I got tracking this morning! Well, this should be fun. :slight_smile:


If its actually discontinued and the idea dropped, I will be disappointed.

I have one, but I still think it deserves to be on the market


I agree. I would love to see the general concept expanded upon. I would be stoked if they were to make a mark 2, or some other FM synth with that operator mixer in the design, and take all user the feedback into consideration. For example, I would like the mod matrix to be faster (less button presses) to link things together – if they discontinued the Opsix and came out with another that improved on that, I would be pretty happy.

If they were to discontinue the synth and just totally drop FM, that would be pretty sad. I don’t think that’s the case though.


What a confident move. Do another FM oscillator based synth, without making it a successor. Learning from experience, and opening a new design without being confined to legacy. To boldly go where … wait that’s a TV show.

But i like this idea. Dropping a very good product because you know you can do better with a new fresh start.


Oh snap! Yeah! I forgot about the mod grid! That would be awesome to have a direct interface to!

If they implement that then I’ll actually upgrade.

Generally the current opsix is a top notch synth with an excellent workflow