Korg Drumlogue

I picked one up and I have been messing with it for a few hours with headphones on. The kick drum channel is noisy, you can hear a hiss /static noise even with the decay turned down. This gets worse when you turn up the overdrive. I hope this is normal and not a fault in my unit, if somebody that has access to a drumlogue can listen to the kickdrum channel with headphones critically and let me know if this is normal I will be greatfull.

I was able to use the filter to filter out the noise so if this is normal then the filter is a good way for cleaning the sound up. Once a patern is playing you dont notice this anymore.

So far im not blown away but im also not disapointed, its another tool in the toobox so to speak.

On kick yes there is kind of soft noise.
Didnā€™t realise before your message.
I just updated to last OS, I thought first it is because of this, but remember it is the same on Volca Kick, so it is maybe normal, and caused by analog circuit. Just a guess, as I know nothing in electronic :smiley:

Thank you very much for confirming. Its proberbly an analog circuit thing. Lets see if any one else has this.

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my review


THAT is a review, and some fuckinā€™great sound! Great to hear more sonic diversity with this lovely machine



Definitely the best sounds in a video Iā€™ve heard coming from that machine! Great video. Still not for me, but Iā€™m glad that itā€™s out there and people are enjoying it.

Itā€™s made it on to Bad Gear already.

I think his prediction of it ending up in bargain bins at a big discount is probably well founded. Certainly it doesnā€™t seem to stack up well against a Syntakt, or TR-8S so I imagine it will have to be dropped.


Funny I kinda want one after hearing that more than all the demos so far! :sweat_smile:


I like mine, definitely sounds unique, looking forward to new percussion ā€˜logues if developers ever build them. Works fine as it is, the sample management is super easy, Iā€™ve been playing it way more than my Syntakt Or TR6S which Iā€™m considering selling. If I had to get rid of everything Iā€™d keep my RYTM, in the mean time itā€™s fun to have options.


Nice sounds and reverb, Iā€™m waiting when this thing is on sale :slightly_smiling_face:
Could be a real and affordable alternative to the AR


Tried tonight to pair Drumlogue and OTmk2 this way: DL midi set to receive transport only from OT, no CC, no pattern change.
DL audio goes in OT inputs A&B, routed to a Thru machine to enjoy OT fxs.
Then troubles started:

  • DL totally freezed twice. Couldnā€™t even turn it off and had to unplug it.
  • after that, it was ok, but I faced another problem: each time I played with OT filter, DL sequence immediately started to slow, so went totally out of sync.

Do someone else here faces this problem?

This pisses me off, as I want OT be master and use its arranger mode. I maybe do something wrong, but if not, I really hope Korg will fix that soon.


Try this, might fixes it:


Thanks a lot, I will try this when back home :slight_smile:

Tried this tonight and it helped to fix this bug, so once again, thanks a lot! That was because of my poor OT knowledge.
I still have same lag as @Rokki21 faces, so I just have to hope for a fix from Korg, but well, we know theyā€™re not the best company for this kind of things :smiley:

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I did submit a support ticket. Havenā€™t heard anything back yet. Iā€™ll chase them.

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Man I hope some more updates come out, and I hope some more custom effects and engines come out. I think it sounds great and has a really great groove to it.

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Sinevibes is making me want to try one of these things.


Still have no idea who to make this thing the master and sync other gear with midi. Every channel on it spits out midi notes and activates the synth I have synced to it.

Love the sound of it but this sucks. Maybe mines defective?

Thereā€™s MIDI Filter settings, have you tried those?