Korg Volca Drum

I don’t think any Volca has a MIDI out, without modding.

This is one MIDI out mod option - claims to be solderless:


I’m not really up on the world of Volca modding but I found that info here:


Didn’t realize you got rid of your Volcas. I understand though.

Well then? :smile:

without need of external battery pack

Also, it’s a different product. The new Elektron is not a synth, doesn’t have wave guide modeling, etc.


I’ll be using this for continous jammin, so no need for more memory in my case. I have a TR8S which has tons of kits/patterns and I only use one that is changed over time, much like an analog instrument with no memory at all.

Like Doubting Thomas I didn’t believe the Volca Drum had proper step editing until I saw Cuckoo himself put his hands in the Volca’s side.

Amen AMEN I say to you: it’s like a mini-Machinedrum complete with a red LED screen!

I’ll probably have to wait until June for salvation though. :smiley:


I don’t mean to get all sour grapes, but I think with Elektron it’s best to wait until something is actually delivered before concluding it’s a done deal.

Oh, was just trying to give the governor some credit that he called it and they actually did release a small battery powered unit, I thought that because the battery actually attached that it would count.

That’s all, not sure what you thought I implied… :slight_smile:

I think you’re right… i never realised this machine was where the beats came from…


It’s alright, I’m just urging caution when it comes to Elektron and future…issuances.

But I also agree with The Guv’nor @GovernorSilver that battery packs don’t count.

Nevertheless, credit where it’s due: at least it’s a step in the right diretion. :smiley:

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Actually, it was pulsn who said Elektron was coming out with something, so he should get the credit.

I guess peeps who don’t care how a drum sound is produced, whether by sample or physical modeling/synthesis and are willing to spend a bit more are more likely to lose interest in the Volca Drum as a result, than I would be.


I can’t name one piece of hardware that is portable, battery-powered, and that has per step editing like the Volca Drum.

I would like to be wrong.

I might not be able to hold off until June.

Or tomorrow. Lol.

Correct. But as you know my use case is quite different from yours (and probably most people, certainly the ones on this forum). :slight_smile: Closest I get to using “Thais thing with that thing” is using the Circuit to play or sequence something else.

I actually think the M:S is great for what it is, but it’s too expensive. It needs to be at least $75 cheaper. I think if they brought down the price a bit more people would bite, but perhaps not enough to offset the price reduction? Who knows. And who knows how much that battery pack will be. I’m guessing at least $75-$100, knowing Elektron.

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Ordered. :smiley:


There’ll be a mod, hopefully solderless, for that at some point.

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Volca Sample has per step editing. Unless I’m missing a distinction here

Not in the same way that the Volca Drum does. You can’t hold down a step and then just modify the parameters on that step to specific values, or select a step and then modify a parameter to a specific value. I think the closest you can get is by using Active Step to drop the number of steps down to one and then record a motion sequence value into that step.

I would love to be wrong, though. Really.


Hoping I get ten minutes today to try that!!

This is why you shouldn’t read gear manuals (or buy gear?) when you’re pregnant. Lol. Nothing sticks!

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“Juneuary” :joy: