First of all a test is not about how to use accent, but how to test if it works as described and understood.
My point was and is only, that the velocity matrix is not being lfo-ed with accent, only velocity volume.
We have to separate things:
(I am talking here only about the rytm mk2)
Velocity is an attribute of a triggered note. Different values of velocity CAN but must not affect the volume, called “VELOCITY TO VOL”- It can also affect 4 more programmable attributes in the velocity matrix called “VELOCITY MOD”.
Accent basically adds to the velocity value of set notes and changes anything that velocity would change (VELOCITY VOL + VELOCITY MOD) and sets accents by doing so.
That is exactly what happens, as I show in the video. You can clearly hear despite accent being set on all notes - how when I tweak accent, you hear the velocity of the notes changing and can clearly hear it as a filter effect set in VELOCITY MOD.
Now it would be really useful to LFO those accented notes since that is a way to LFO the velocity without volume, meaning you could LFO up to 4 programmable parameters at the same time. Then you read, yeah, that is possible.
But now comes the part that is an irregularity:
If you LFO Accent level, only VELOCITY TO VOL is changed by the LFO.
Solution #1
If that was intentional, Elektron could easily write that to clarify this in the manual and avoid misleading.
As for your louder reverb longer decay arguments:
Please mind, that sounds triggered in higher volumes do cause a louder reverb and delay. Also the decay can appear longer, since it is longer audible.
I am happy, you are satisfied with that, but this is actually not what the manual states.
Solution #2:
If that is not intentional, hence a bug, we would like to get it fixed.
And that is exactly what we try to achieve here.
What are you trying to achieve here?