Library Music

I’m curious if any fellow Elektronauts have any of their music in music libraries? I did a bunch of tracks way
back in 2009 that got accepted into Jingle Punks and a few other libraries. I quickly moved on to other projects but the tracks I have out there still get used from time to time and it’s a nice surprise when the occasional royalty payment comes my way. I recently made a bunch of new tracks I’m submitting to some companies but from everything I’ve read about the industry these days it seems to kind of be in the toilet. I’m wondering if you have been involved with library music now or in the past what your experience has been? Success stories? Libraries you have enjoyed working with (or ones to avoid)? What genres of music have you found to be successful? What gear you use to produce tracks? How many tracks you have out there? Any cool projects your music has been used on (The coolest thing any of my music ever made it onto was an Anthony Bourdain show). Do you think it is still worth it to pursue ? I had kind of forgotten how much work it is (creating stem mixes, tagging tracks, writing descriptions, etc).

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