I am in a real good mood this evening, so I decided to make a little tut for a A4 design…since nobody answered my thread in which I was gonna make a track with you guys! …
first: shout out to all of you who made patches , which we are using, and I may use in this tut….it is only free patches from elektron HQ
track 1 : mental kick … 1 5 9 13
track 1 : sound lock! … called: BASS …Note G5, on 3 7 11 14 15
track 2: Toypiano … 3 and 7 Note: E2 on the nr 13 put a sound lock: FROG note E2…AMP sus 13 , release 27 and reverb OFF … also decrease its volume via AMP section a little bit, so AMP volume for the slock=40 (or 46)
The trig 13 on track 2, will change is pitch over time, slowly, but noticably…wait for it…
you may find later on, that track 2 is not that present in the overall experience, but , it will add to the “body” … believe me!
Track 3: vib bass Note E3 … all trigs, 1- 16, NOT on 13 ! … on 5 and 7 put E4 … on 5 no Chorus !!!
Track 4 :
and this is the KILLER … so much new “a4 fuckery” for me, for today… really like this… all the talk about polyrytms and random etc… I think I found something REALLY cool… love to share with you! …
track sound: HIHAT TUV Note D5… all trigs, 1-16 … on LFO 1 spd +8, Mul 32 , fad = 0, Mod = Free, WAV = SQR, Dest F1 Freq, Dep = 16 … ( dest2 =filter2 frequency
on LFO 2: spd = +4, mul x8, fad=0 sph = 0, MOD = TRG, WAV = RND, DST = LFO 1 Multiplier, DEP 24, destination 2 : noise sh dep = 0)
I ve been considering track 2 volume a lot… but the more subtle the better… I am on my DT770 Pro … darn, do I love the A4! …
by the way, as I am writing this on a note pad on PC the forum is down… but I realllllly wanted to post this… the Track 4 random thing is just sooooo darn nice … oh, it is 133 BPM, should have said that too… do do dooom , do do doom. .tak taktkatkatkkkaktkaktta kkakkakkakt atkatkkatk kakakkakakt atkatkkatkaktkaktkkatkta kat akt aktatktkkkatka takatkaktaktaktkatkakatka tatkktakakkakakakakkat ttkakatkaka ta taaktkatkatktakt atktakatkat attakkatkat takatkatkatk taatka atk atkatk atk atkta k atkat kat akt aktkatk … and the easy bass: wub wub wub wub wubbbwub wub wubw wuwbb …muhhahahhaha… fuck, I ve been listening to this loop for 30 min, still love it!. …