Hi all,
So I found a way to really inspire myself to “hit record” and commit to putting down something I can listen to later and critique : I started a second soundcloud that is just dedicated to my jams and WIP tracks.
Each day I start with nothing and use my 1.5-2 hrs to jam out randomly and hope there’s a seed of something in there. If I like what I hear I hit record do 1-2 takes (max) and go to bed
I feel so much less “pressure” to try and complete polished tracks. I feel my old approach of aiming for the perfect song wasn’t working. I would take so long tweaking that by the end I realized I wasn’t happy with the track to begin with !
I’ll share some of the stuff I create along this journey and with luck maybe come up with something… decent ?! heheh
Here’s last night’s jam:
Had to much fun making Djin707 that I decided to make a video of the second take of the jam.
Here’s another little recording I made last night…
Super fun times I had the past 2 nights making a 303 style patch for A4 and Monomachine to experiment and compare the sounds of these two amazing synths. I think the monomachine sounds more 303, but the A4 sounds much more pleasant to the ear.
Anyways not a full song, just some acid fun!
Heyas !
Here’s another one I did last night – getting happier with the results of my jams.
Feedback/critique is appreciated!
Tried out some new vibes on this one — hope it worked. Definitely a departure working with 50% samples where most of my stuff is normally 90% synths lol
Glad to be a source of inspiration! Your stuff is coming along nicely, the last few tracks are really nice.