I have had this problem since day one. My solution thus far has been to avoid using the autochannel for midi note input (which is frustrating). I have several pieces of hardware, all on different midi channels.
Each device has an OT channel devoted to it. I would like to use midi info (fishman triple play) to target each track/channel/device.
Autochannel seems perfectly suited for this except when the note falls into transport control range, i get, as you would expect, sequencer stop, channel up/down, etc. happening from triple play midi input.
Does anyone have a workaround for this? I have tried remapping notes (via Bome) in the undesirable range up or down an octave, but this leaves a hole in my playable range.
Just curious if someone has a solution I haven’t thought of.
It’s late here and I can’t think but you should at the very least put your audio tracks on different MIDI channels to your MIDI sequencer tracks, and maybe disable AUDIO NOTE IN. I will be thinking more clearly in the morning.
Every track has a discrete midi channel. Perhaps I have been misinterpreting audio note in. I believe I need it to be selected in order to have external control of INAB/CD record. Is this not the case? I am using CC59 to trigger record, etc.
The whole auto channel thing escapes me, I’ve had it disconnected since I got the OT a month or so ago as there’s lots to learn and how exactly that channel is implemented or how I should use it I don’t know, it was just causing me problems as above
Not hijacking your thread but it seems my avoidance of the channel is related to yours as I was getting stuff I didn’t want hence disconnecting it
On my keyboard if I press the octave keys until I’m at the highest octave, then the 2 octaves of chromatic trigs line up with my keys.
Instead of remapping those notes, maybe filter them out.
My controller sends on Ch16 (autoCH)
Audio tracks are 1-7 (8 is master)
Midi tracks are 9-15
Auto Channel is 16
Ideally, I am in midi mode when sending from the controller, but I forget from time to time…
Also, I know this is a question for another thread, and I have asked here before, but sometimes live midi input changes my tracks into static and I am unable to recover the lost work.
Obviously this is user error? I just don’t know what the error is, or what midi info is causing the problem. As far as I know, it is not possible to change parts by midi, except by changing pattern, correct?
If I can just figure out these two long-standing problems I will be a very happy Elektronaut!
You’re sending CCs to trigger, not notes. Turning off notes won’t make a difference, but it will stop you from triggering transport. The only disadvantage is that you won’t be able to trigger the internal tracks (midi tracks work the same, and this is where you want to use autochannel) from a midi keyboard or other input. Personally, the OT has such a small range of sample transposition that I don’t think it’s that big of a loss to just program those parts by hand, and it’s better than unexpectedly starting or stopping the sequencer.