Live Recording external hardware to sequencer

Hey all,

Apologies if this thread is already a thing but ive searched high and low and have not had any luck! I was wanting to know if its possible to live record my syn external hardware midid to my Syntakts sequence ?

As its set up right now I can play and record my Yamaha reface DX via the Syntakts keyboard - However when i try to record something i play on the reface it doesnt record to the seqeucner ? Is this normal or do i need ot set it up to be able to allow this functionality ?

Thanks in advanced!

Are you sending MIDI to the Syntakt’s auto channel? Only the auto channel can record to the sequencer on Elektron devices. Once you’ve done that, make the MIDI track you want to record onto the active track, and arm it for live recording.


oo im not sure actually - Ill have to sus out midi channels, thanks for the info @dokev!

Auto channel was the trick thanks @dokev - Havent spent a whole lot of time with it but understanding it a bit more now. Is a really cool performance featrue!

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