Hi , happy new year to everyone , I’ve two doubt and i couldn’t find in the manual
1- in live record mode i press a note and move a data entry like filter frequency or frequency oscillator and once is record i heard the steps of the data entry moving , there is any way of avoid those steps ?
2- I’ve reading that you can route the signals between tracks like in this video
Until now the only way i know to avoid this is To make parameter-slides between all notes after recording, because what you record Live is translated into parameter-Locks For the slides to have effect, eatch note ( or trigless-lock ) has to reach the following step or note, if it stops before the next step starts,the slide has no effect. You can atchieve this by adjusting the note-length or by adjusting the release-time of the amp-envelope.
So in Live-record all the modulations wil be recorded stepped in the amouth of steps of your pattern. ( thus you hear parameter-jumps after recording ) the result differs when you record qauntised or not - eather way, there is Always a maximum of 64 steps within a pattern.
The fact that the slides only have effect when notes or trigl-trigs are touching eatchother in time, has a huge advantage over general slides like in other synths. You can create slides where you need them.( but i asks a lot more work )
This works in the same way for note (pitch ) slides as for the arpeggiator !
When you turn a button in Live - record to change the filter-cutoff - the value reached at the beginning of that step - wil be the definitive value for that step.
Examp. : filtercutoff 0 at step 1 - - cutoff 100 at step16
- you only have to make a slide activated on step 1 and
make the note touch step 16.
- if there 's an other note , let’s say on step 8 - you wil have to make 2 slides – 1 to 8 — 8 to 16. ( creating smooth slides over different notes wil ask for a lot of parameter-adjusting afterwards -)
A different way to make interesting slides is by using LFO’s.
1 – Set the LFO’s in free-run and send them to some parameters.
2 – LOCK the LFO’s on the first step in TRIGGER- Mode.
3 – Every pattern-sicle the LFO wil restart and run-free
over the following steps. By adjusting the speed of the LFO’s
your sweeps wil change - but sound equal every cycle…
4 – Now make a copy of this pattern ( say 3 times)
5 – Chain them togehter
6 – Now unlock the LFO’s on step 1 in the 3 copy’s.
The LFO wil now only retrigger in step one of pattern 1. -
Play with speed - or retrigger LFO 2 on different steps - or change te LFO’s fase or
modulate the speed of LFO1 by LFO 2 etc…