I’ve been wanting create a bunch of chord samples from various synths to use as samples in my Digitakt.
Ideally it would be great to find a single midi file that contains each chord one after another in a single file that I can run into each synth and record the output and then chop up the chords to use as samples.
Does anyone know about the existence of such a midi file? Or have anything similar that I could use to do this?
You could try some of the iOS apps like Navichord, Tonality etc. Navichord is pretty lovely :). Use any of those for chords & progressions via midi, or then something similar on a pc/mac, like Scaler 2. Scaler’s pretty great as you can just drag and drop stuff into midi lanes and the selection of chords and genres is huuuge.
I personally like to use classics midi files to get interesting chords progressions, and try to understand them. For exemple, I often use Arvo Part midi files (found on internet) because they are full of very interesting chords progressions.
You can try also the plugin Cthulhu by XFER records (serum), this midi vst arp and chord generator is full of classics midi chords progressions. It’s a very very useful Swiss-knife for midi chords and Arps.