Hi! I’m new to the Octatrack, and I want a couple of patterns to be played in a certain order and loop them.
So now I have ended up in the arranger without understanding how to loop them, I’ve read the page 107 a couple of times and understand how I reach the LOOP but not in what order to place HALT, LOOP and the chosen patterns. Or is there a better way to do it than to use arranger?
To make pattern A01 and A02 play and then loop this 4 times:
Row : Pat
000 : A01
001 : A02
002 : LOOP: 000/04
Use Halt only when you want playback to stop.
The alternative to using the Arranger is to use Pattern Chaining (see page 78 of the manual). This only works if the two Patterns are in the same Bank.
Apparently, I must be missing something. I am trying to create a loop exactly like the one Peter posted above. When I go to line 002, the only options available to me are REM, HALT, and the various patterns. I cannot get LOOP or JUMP to display for me. I have read the manual and it seems clear that LOOP should display right after HALT, but it does not. Any thoughts?
Turn the LEVEL knob anti-clockwise until the location before pattern A01 is reached. When “HALT:” appears, move the focus to the value located after “HALT:”. Turn the LEVEL knob one step anti-clock-wise and “LOOP:” will appear.
I think what you’ve missed here is the movement of the focus in between:
select “HALT” by turning the level knob anti-clockwise.
press [RIGHT] once (that is what is meant by move focus)