
I use my iPad as an insert effect on the VOX and GTR channels in my mixer routing (using an iConnectivity Audio 4+ as audio interface with inputs and outputs matched to emulate insert effects)

Next to a bunch of insert effects per channel on AUM, I have an instance of Enso (the looper app) on each channel at the end of the chain.

A Midi Fighter Twister controls all the key functions of each Enso instance + Wet/Dry controls of the effects in ther respective chains.

So effectively I have a looper with integrated multi-FX with as many tracks as I may need or want, instant overdub + all the other advanced looper features Enso has to offer. And of course the whole thing is midi sync’ed (as slave to my OT).

The degree of flexibility the iPad gives me to build my own looper device by chaining up AUv3 plugins has satisfied the itch better than any looper pedal I’ve owned so far.

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Thanks! That makes sense now :slightly_smiling_face: yep another option could have been the iRig Blueboard to control it I guess, but of course you have more options for reusability in the future in this way. It would be cool to hear how it sounds!

Just remembered my H9 Max has a looper algo. Should give that a try this holiday. Anyone using it?

Figured I might just do it right away…

H9 's looper algo sums stereo inputs to mono.

MIDI sync/quantization seems good (only tested shortly). It starts rec on the next beat after pressing the button. Playback is tight on beat. Does overdubs.

Changing tempo while loop is playing doesn’t stretch or pitch the loop. Keeps playing at same tempo and restarts when out of sync new bar starts. Not advisable unless you’re into glitch.

Recording memory of 12 secs at full quality is short, but I guess long enough for techno transitions. Though even then there’s a clear loss of high frequency signal content.

I might use it in a pinch but will stay with Ableton for now.

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Looks good, though mono in and out. I’m guessing it doesn’t have midi sync, but can you set the tempo pre recording a loop ?

I wish Elektron would make a ‘mixer-looper-fx-takt’ type thing

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You mean the Octatrack?


Not quite. I have one, but have never really got on with it for tactile looping. The best I’ve managed to get is Quantiloop on iPad with dongles, foot pedals etc …
But I will persevere with the OT, will try some new tactics next week

Well it’s a great looper once you learn how to use the pickup machines, as well as a mixer and an FX unit. I’m not sure what kind of a “mixer-looper-fx-takt” -box Elektron should make because the Octatrack is just that (and more).

I will dig into it again next week, but have done experiments before with the OT, QLoop, Ableton, and dedicated loopers like the Rang3, RC505, Pigtronix etc. OT was promising, but just not intuitive to use in a live situation. I’ve even programmed my Line6 pod HD500X foot pedal to be a foot controller for the OT loopers, but the whole thing just became a bit of a headfuck after a while, so I gave up.
However, I have a couple more years of OT training under my belt now, so maybe, just maybe, I can master her and climb to the next level in OT mastery

Yeah, it’s not the most intuitive unit and you have to be pretty focused and prepared.

stereo sums to mono? weird, not a dealbreaker but not good either. MIDI sync sounds good here but…

that’s odd. again not a dealbreaker for me (i am into glitch but prefer it as an option not as the only possibility in that situation, rare as it may be).

does seems short, yeah. probably enough for most of the time, but again, not ideal.

find all this odd considering how powerful the H9 is on paper. guess most users just aren’t asking for it to have higher-level looping abilities.
appreciate you listing all this out tho! :+1:

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I think it wasnt designed with looping as a primary goal. Memory is likely limited, hence the mono and time limits.

It does have playback speed (pitch i presume) parameters and reverse but they re not automated to MIDI tempo changes. Cpu limitations might be at play. It isn t the most modern device around.

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Yeah, H9/Timefactor looper truncates the loop when tempo is changed.
The varispeed control can be set to different resolutions: octaves, oct+5th, dominant7th, chromatic and smooth.


Midi sync is great, tho! Always catches perfect loops.

Afaik the H9 looper originally came from the Timefactor pedal, so it might be fair to say it was intended as a bonus function on a delay pedal.


AEROS too. Truncated or blank.

BTW, one box which is a lot of fun, though with only 1 stereo track and no midi sync is the EHX memory man with hazarai. It can do some crazy shit, including full variable (and nice sounding) pitch control, reverse, filters, fx, overdubbing etc.

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H9 would be so ideal if it didn’t sum to mono.
Just use the dry/wet to transition between the live input and the loop.
So close!

OT reigns for single box looping with mixing.

It’s only complex and cumbersome before you figure out how to make it work. Then it becomes powerful and second nature. I keep track 7 for looping on every Part in my OT.
Means I can perform any part/pattern in the project live, and always mix in and out of it seamlessly. It’s liberating.

In the tri-circle Venn diagram of MIDI sync/quantize , stereo i/o, and mixing,
OT is right in the middle, checks all boxes.
But the amount of solutions that only check 2 boxes is too damn high!


If it is just for transitions, i am using a Hologram Microcosm as an Fx insert with the OT. It has an integrated looper with flexible options to serve as a looper for transition. 1 track only though.
It has Midi Sync and supports different subdivisions or multipliers of the tempo, 44 FX, 16 memory slots, stereo, reverse and it’s possible to stack different loops with different fx on the loop. You can also the speed of the recording (affects the pitch) and stack over the new speed.
You need to like its FX though (Delays, glitchs, granulars and other undescribable things).


I’m currently looking at the RC 202. With its two stereo tracks and 3 hrs memory, 64 memory slots (8 slots x8 banks) that store loops, settings, fx etc. for both tracks it seems perfect for a small live set.

One stereo track reserved for transitions, one stereo track as a kind of backing track (droney stuff, field recordings, drenched in reverb atmospheres etc.).

It also gives visual feedback about loops, is not overloaded with features you don’t need or that might distract you.

Master, standalone ?
Slaved it may fluctuate as RC 505 if it receives too much notes. I don’t remember exactly how it behaved in that concern. Same base as RC 505, less tracks, 4 fx instead of 3, 2 digit display, more buttons like one shot, reverse, replace…2 footswitches, 1 exp pedal, or midi for external control. Midi more limited on RC 202.

The max recording time is around 3h30mn (2GB file), but the memory is a microSd card!
Supplied is a 4GB for 202/505 afaik.
I could use a 32 GB on my 505, a good surprise after unmounting it. Not documented by Boss! :wink:

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