
There is another option (since you are already considering a not so cheap Rytm):

A second OT (no additional learning curve / most versatile device).


Only if you need to filter notes… do you use the midi tracks of the OT with other gear? Otherwise there aren’t any notes to filter out if you configure the midi setting right…

I’m in the same boat here…

This is my solution for now, as I have another OT from another setup, but I would prefer something small and simple as well, since this will be the one and only duty for the device…

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Aeros? RC500? Pigtronix Infinity?

these would need an extra mixer, which doesn’t make it smaller than the OT

Which one wouldn’t then?

none that I know of. So until this changes, OT it is :slight_smile:

edit: I think I was saying this in the light of possibly another thread, where the question was using a looper as transition looper.

If you already have an OT, what about a transition with the crossfader > DIR (looper)

Concerning mixer, I bought a 1U rack Samson SM10 I can put under OT or RC505, or DN+DT (excactly the same width). Very very small companion mixer for OT

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Sure. OT is sequencing two synths.
I could use the RC-202 standalone, though.

Good point. I’ve thought about a dual Octa setup before and I should really consider doing that.
Thing is, I really like the Rytm. I had one here for some time and I really dig it.
Not sure if I’d want to take a Rytm on stage with me, though…
I learnt to appreciate a simple setup (=as simple as possible) for live gigs pretty fast^^ and there is something very appealing about that simple knobby interface on the Model:Samples. You can see it in a lot of videos, fingers flying across buttons and knobs…it really shows that the Model line makes a lot of sense from that perspective.

Anyways, like always I’ll just have to try an M:S or RC-202 myself and see how I like it.

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Sure! :content:

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Ok, instead of going to work (it’s raining and I don’t feel working today)
I made the test with the 505 and can confirm that it fluctuates at start.

I first threw some midi notes at it, and it fluctuated indeed. But when I wanted to test again, for trying to keep throwing midi notes (first time I just played a 15 note chord with one hand at transport start), I noticed that is was fluctuating even without midi notes!

so the same perfectly recorded saw that I recorded in the 505 yesterday, and played back flawlessly yesterday, was all choppy and fluctuating today!
So it doesn’t only depend on midi note, but also on the 505’s mood. maybe it is because it’s raining today…

so, just for the record. here is exactly the same I did last time, only the 505 decided different today

looks like this:

and close up of a fluctuation looks like this: (for those interested…)

I don’t know how this fluctuation would sound on more musical sounds than a saw wave. but I never really noticed this before.


Thanks for confirming!

Nothing more musical than a saw. Especially chainsaws! :loopy:


Forgive me, but I have questions!
How is it?

The Pigtronix Infinity did a bad thing with line level inputs where the loop played back with a noticeable lack of detail in the high frequencies. In most live environments it wasn’t noticeable, but I could hear it in the live recordings.
Is the 1440 fairly transparent when comparing the stereo line level input, to its recorded loop? Any audio degradation at all?

Is the MIDI clock sync solid?
How are the knobs? Lost of resistance, or easy to quickly turn the level knob down to quickly fade out the loop?

I’m currently shopping for a good deal on a 2nd OT MK1, which I will dedicate to live looping/slicing, FX, and mixing of external inputs, so that my main OT can fully harness all 8 tracks for samples.
However, that hunt might take a while. In the meantime, I’m seeing these 1440s for $168-ish b-stock, and combined with my Mackie Mix8, I could at least use it for looping transitions and mixing between the 1440 loop and OT output, using the CR out on the Mix8 to send stereo to the 1440 to record the loop. That is, if it sounds good and holds stable MIDI sync…


Came across this small, portable, batter powered (9hrs) DJ mixer that I think could make a good partner for an EHX 1440 if you need some transitional looping and don’t want to be bothered with learning or buying an Octatrack. The total of the two would be between $370 and $420, as there are plenty of b-stock 1440 deals to be had.

Rather than looking for a mixer with a dedicated stereo send for sending to the looper, you can use the headphone/cue output on this small mixer as a stereo send to send audio to the looper, just make sure the headphone is set to cue, and it is only outputting your live input channel from your ear (otherwise you’ll get feedback).
This works if you don’t need the mixer’s headphone output for your own headphones for cueing new material, or if you have already have those cueing facilities before going into this mixer (headphone out on your other gear, or a submixer being fed by your other gear).

But the main advantage is that it is so small (4"x7" footprint) and not expensive, which is ideal if you just need some transitional looping. And being a mixer, you do get the bonus of having a 2 band EQ on your live input, as well as your looper’s output, separately. Plus pretty decent metering.


Hello looper friends,

I have a Ditto X4 and am trying to loop drum/synth/guitar tracks. It is connected to a keystep via MIDI to sync with the tempo.

It also works well initially. After a few minutes, the X4’s loops slowly start to run away from the master clock and become asynchronous.

Is this a known problem and can anything be done about it?

Brand new to this forum.
I have been looping for 5 or 6 years, and in the last 6 months i have arrived at using 2 Boomerangs in sync with midi cables.
I am very interested in adding a 3rd looper that can save / store loops and samples.
I am looking at the 1440 from EHX…is there any way to sync this with the Boomerangs?
I would prefer not to use a beat clock or clock generator or whatever…i know next to nothing about midi and currently do not use it at all other than sync-ing the Boomerangs.

any tips, suggestions, much appreciated.

thanks in advance

Noticed no one had said anything here yet, so thought I’d respond. Have you updated the firmware on the X4 to the latest? That solves a number of MIDI issues for most people

Yes, updated to immediately after buying it half a year ago.

Looks like the Boomerangs and the EHX pedal all have MIDI. Clock should get forwarded by the Boomerangs, so just set up a MIDI chain

Boomerang I out -> Boomerang II in -> Boomerangs II out -> EHX looper in

You may have to always start loops with the first Boomerang, then the second, the the EHX in order for them to be synced, unless you set up a different MIDI clock source.

Is the MIDI clock source jittery (like from a DAW) or going through multiple devices? The X4 can’t tempo correct once the loop is set (most loopers can’t), so if you have a tempo that jitters, it’ll cause the gradual de-sync as the “error” accumulates.

Best way around that is to make sure the looper is connected as early as possible to the original clock source.

The X4 is connected directly to the Keystep via a Quadra Thru V2. I believe this is like a direct cable connection without processing and should not add any delay/jitter.

Maybe the clock of the Keystep is not stable enough. It’s not really a sequencer, but I like to program a synth bassline and also sync a groovebox to its clock (which stays in time, by the way).

I suspect the problem is that the X4 doesn’t correct its tempo for slight changes, as you say. That would make sense, because after the first minimally inaccurate recording despite MIDI sync, the initial loop with a tiny tempo difference would gradually (say over 10 minutes) noticeably run away.

And now, to fix this, can anyone tell me which (affordable) loopers offer MIDI sync that self-corrects with the clock?